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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. The nhs is broken right the way through … pandemic caused issues and changes to the way people worked and gps the same ( with new online consultations ) . Do you acknowledge a shortage of gps also being an issue ? My aunt and uncle retired shortly after pandemic one a gp .. the other a consultant . I can 100% assure you they neither was doing fuck all . And yes they were both very well paid
  2. ? Justify that …. They are under pressure like all health services …. Some things are better done via one to one some done better face to face … much of the issue is around many gps leaving due to stress and or old age . My surgery just lost 4 gps … I guess I could just blame the remaining gps for any added wait or I could understand that there aren’t enough gps coming through the system to take over .
  3. EE is always gonna be close to the best … for me though ME wins
  4. Some added tiles … now I know how those poor Romans felt … jazzing it up for Elton
  5. Look at what you’ve achieved since the stroke … nothing short of remarkable … reading your posts now for starters is so different and that’s without all the physical improvements
  6. See above post ref diabetes … I’m type 1 so it couldn’t be avoided … you really don’t want it though … it’s worth that battle to avoid it
  7. It’s not a barrier and sometimes the fittest can be unfortunate with illness , life will just Chuck things at us …for me it’s type 1 diabetes . But being fit gives the best chances … for me it’s keeping my sugars stable and within range and sometimes it just feels never ending and pointless but that lessens chances of organ failure and limb amputation further down the line . So these things are definitely worth doing
  8. I agree … I persisted but things didn’t get any better … we were forward of the sound stage on the path to the right but all we could hear was shouts of people complaining that they couldn’t hear
  9. The first efest winner of that comp I think 🙂
  10. Fantastic … my cholesterol levels have just about returned to sensible levels
  11. Surely his age is a massive determining factor … although that could probably have been said last time … when’s this election? Need to update thread title
  12. Nah was just venting after seeing him on news at 10 … even the royals can’t stand him
  13. Nicholas whitchel is an absolute dickhead !!
  14. This isn’t getting better is it ? Not a hope from r the Tory’s next time … it’s just relentless shit day after day ..: can they last 2 years ?
  15. Out of interest who’s given up and not trying in resale ?
  16. so not much changed then 🙂
  17. I was thinking the other day I’ve not ever come across any fights either … the odd domestic incident , which is pretty remarkable considering the substance / alcohol consumption and the amount of time there … ah yeah and then there’s work with the public outside 😂
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