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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. wow ... didnt know it could be done for other users 🙂
  2. @HMCC whats yours as one of the latest people to sign up ... im amazed by the numbers though 🙂
  3. We were having a discussion when I passed 30k posts today and @spg told us that our user number could be found here , what’s yours ? Who’s got the lowest so far Spg’s is 64 and @clarkete has the lowest at 37 … I’d imagine @Neil or efest is number 1 ?
  4. You’ve clearly not met my mp who loves a photo op … I think people are pretty clear they exist right now and don’t need promotion from Tory mps who created the issue … fair play to anyone that gives time to help out if this was members of another party that didn’t cause the issue .
  5. Disagree … there’s a very big difference between that and going on social media promoting the great jobs they are doing by visiting them . It’s rubbing salt in the wounds of people that have to visit them
  6. It’s absolutely bizarre … I think there are now more foodbanks than branches of Mac Donald’s …. All under the Tory’s in the last 12 years …. Now being used by nhs staff and civil servants
  7. Food pantry’s the new name for food banks .. can the country take another 2 years of this bollocks
  8. Nowt to do with me … just in case that was an accusation in my direction
  9. In 15 Glastonbury’s I could count on 1 hand the number of dickheads I’ve had conversations with …. On a night out in Town I’d be up to that number in 5 mins
  10. So in fairness I think most opinions are fairly clear at this point … as admin I guess Neil’s responses will become most focused on ( reasonably ) … GnR seem fairly divisive on these boards to me . Lots of people can’t see it but might well soon .
  11. It’s never been funny … much like Peter Kay
  12. lets hope those plans get turned to dust .... can see protests happening around this ... might delay it long enough .... unless Labour choose to support it
  13. Nope … you’d be put in charge of traffic direction 🙂
  14. ah that might mean i get to see sister and bro in law for xmas then .... edit scrap that ... airports only
  15. my friend works at the Glastonbury free press ... would also love to do this
  16. negotiator 🙂 id also love to organise the artist announcements
  17. yep the spreadsheet here is great for looking at gaps ... and where all the possibilities sit tour wise
  18. Super Johnny foos ? Anyway I’ve no idea how right it might be … tbh … at the moment it’s not impossible date wise … it’s a possibility I guess
  19. Tbh I’ve no idea … but they have Elton right … but not sure that was a massive stretch in imagination
  20. You seem to frequent the AM forums a bit … what chances the day is out ? And it’s Fri and not sat for them
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