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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. It already has the old one got deleted accidentally… we’ve had headliner threads of around 1000 pages before
  2. yes its lucky dip if you get those or not ... its a fight ... maybe timing of sale and cost increase might help
  3. obviously not watching this then skippy ?
  4. Some info about it https://www.glastofestfeed.com/news/glastonbury-2023-accommodation-information/?fbclid=IwAR0lI4w-FJD_LkM2Sb2D0ebbZiKsiPXn0-GbEaEOfr1PHQAn6GNZfA2ydLU
  5. If you are able to stay out till those hours without substances I’ll happily call you a legend
  6. Up Early Sunday ? Is it not early afternoon
  7. It’s gonna be onsite camping till I retire from the festival … or win lottery
  8. I’ll be voting Lib Dem anyway so I’ve a get out clause if he does go all Tory lite on us …
  9. Erm … it’ll be resale in April now … we’ve had 1
  10. it would be like a prayer ...
  11. Brings back memories that 🙂
  12. dont forget the worthy cheddar competition folks
  13. So there might be a possibility Britney might be up for checking out the festival and playing a song … she’s hardly on the breadline ?
  14. Did you jet over to stand at the pyramid with gum and apple ?
  15. It won’t happen … and If on the remote change it actually does a couple of pumps and it’s back up again …. Not like a snapped pole on a normal tent which takes a fair bit of time repairing
  16. So potentially wells , Glastonbury , froome , Bristol , Cheddar … @parsonjack may have some ideas .
  17. what sort of radius from the festival site ? presuming you have transport ?
  18. still to go in there ... was initially put off by queues and lack of toilets but i think they have toilets inside now ?
  19. best time of year to get it out the way as a discussion 🙂
  20. fully support them ... although in fairness i rarely get post so the impact to me is minimal
  21. is that because the area is now a bit of a victim of its own success and needs a certain crowd flow to make it viable ... the one way system . it kind of pushes people through rather than being as interactive as it once was ...
  22. RIP copper dollar ... that place was amazing for similar 😞
  23. So we all talk about Glastonbury being about so much more than the headliners … so what do you get up to that helps make the festival for you ? Random acts like this maybe ? Dakhabrakha opening the pyramid IMG_3625.MOV
  24. At least the Home Secretary knows what she’s doing !! question from a Tory mp is quite telling
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