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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Not as yet … and yes it does ( actually tell a lie … once at Chems but I had no intention of stopping there anyway as I was looking for a mate and it got congested pretty quick so I stopped temporarily
  2. It’s a festival tradition getting filmed by barbster but never actually meeting them …. Must keep my eye out at hobo jones next June 🙂 ….. @Curlygirl might be in shot too ?
  3. If is anything like recent days waders and snorkels are going to be needed
  4. Wish I’d known this was on … could have done a live feed … from memory 3 of the villagers were strongly opposed to the fest … vocally . but there might well have been a few more quieter complainants
  5. hes been up there for quite a while .... amazing how close it all is for top slot ... kind of shows that there really isnt much of an idea ...
  6. has anyone headlined Boardmasters and Glastonbury in same year ?
  7. Where did you hear this then ?
  8. Aw come on that’s just cover for the real thing where they announce appearance on the farm in June
  9. Oasis playing cheese and grain …
  10. I’d be a definately maybe not .
  11. Why did the snp get so many questions in todays PMQs ? How is it worked out who gets the questions ?
  12. Yours looks decent 🙂 … don’t think I’d have my faculties together to get that kind of evidence myself during a sale
  13. Yeah but last time water bottle issue .. it seems they might have a few spares kicking about …. Not sure enough people will have the evidence needed to make a vast difference .
  14. It won’t they will just limit the resale … they won’t break the licence …
  15. Seems legit there has been a few posts to back that up
  16. Crazyfool01


    nice tractor drive through 🙂
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