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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. where do you spend most time when onsite ? if its jp pyramid side probably bath and west .... but Avalon area probably east
  2. probably ... she has blood on her hands now ... although seems to be less of a story now ... wonder if Starmer will use it as any attack line in PMQs
  3. Congrats @Homer is going to the farm 🙂
  4. maybe hes put on a bit of weight ... nothing that couldn't be changed
  5. they were putting money in at the Pangea stage weren't they? ... so there isnt any kind of split yet in terms of money ? probably the world cup money will enable this probably for general festival goers but id expect some comeback elsewhere amongst crews
  6. you have access to his health records ? I mean we do have Coke heads at the top of govt ?
  7. erm Starmer 60 .... Corbyn 73 ..... Biden 80 ... dont think age is a barrier ?
  8. quite a bit of discussion on last nights virtual meet ref this topic a few discussions around if Arcadia could somehow salvage something out of this ..... play some YmCA on the spider? , donate some of the money to Gay charities ? have some overtly displayed rainbow flags etc As per @stuie comments above could the use of the Sea king rather than the spider be used to distance themselves amongst the less knowledagable ? Also talk of some crew boycotts maybe the arcadia crew bar and some kind of movement amongst crew to raise awareness I do think they will come across difficulties if there is nothing found to plug that hole .... arcadia takes lots of pressure off the SEC crowd numbers Have Arcadia taken the jump now to go it alone with the funding they will get from this ? and how much longer remains on the contact to tie them to the festival ? and how quickly anyone can escape any contracts these things usually take years to solve . They were still getting funding with Pangea
  9. surely thats it for Braverman now ?
  10. just ignore me ... im new here 🙂
  11. Much like the headliner thread then 😀
  12. 213 from now till midnight … 212 preceding 24hrs
  13. This thread being hot will mean lots of people looking at it thinking something has been announced …
  14. I think they said 500k jobs are likely to go …. That’s not small numbers
  15. But you won’t be at pyramid ?
  16. Wed 21st Cardiff … sat24th Belgium … Tue 27th Germany
  17. yeah it was based on tour dates and I agree it doesn't look likely based on that ...
  18. i had info on him ( very distant though ) but there was a categorical no on here ....
  19. Once in a lifetime news ?
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