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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. But you won’t be at pyramid ?
  2. Wed 21st Cardiff … sat24th Belgium … Tue 27th Germany
  3. yeah it was based on tour dates and I agree it doesn't look likely based on that ...
  4. i had info on him ( very distant though ) but there was a categorical no on here ....
  5. Once in a lifetime news ?
  6. wonder how much of the extra will go to educating the kids ... or will it go on helping fill current budget holes and wage demands
  7. Crazyfool01


    yeah absolutely i was just demonstrating the size of the site
  8. ive never supported the wasting of billions .... i thing you forgot my responses ( I think we have different definitions of wasting )
  9. Crazyfool01


    247 k members on efests ... id imagine its quicker to delete spam than to approve posts ... and people like to converse in real time ...
  10. ah yep of course ...im so thankful to be hugely worse off
  11. so personally do I get any help with things .... ? low income but not on UC .... minimum wage increase in April ... but that will be far outbalanced by inflation and fuel increase ?
  12. im viewing it as a realist ... I will be reconsidering at a point likely not this year though ... im on minimum wage
  13. 600 k on UC to meet a work coach to increase hours .? wow
  14. I guess decisions for some might well be based on what happens over next 6 months .... some unfortunately will have made those decisions already . and yes i agree at the moment demand is above supply
  15. nationally ... made.com and joules .
  16. i just dont think Glastonbury is immune to the shit show ... however much of a pedestal we all hold it on . just this week we've had 2 big firms go bust .... not sure those people will be prioritising Glastonbury any longer if they have tickets or big gigs for that matter
  17. probably better to put that money back into regional bus services ... they wont though as we cant find any drivers
  18. Got that mixed up … but my point being even for the most diehard we all have a threshold … for some that will be lower .
  19. Were you not nearly priced out of pulp ?
  20. And my point is that Glastonbury is much more expensive than seeing a single stadium gig …. People will prioritise differently . If I knew I couldn’t afford the festival there would be little point me putting down a deposit .
  21. Where do you think budgets get squeezed during a cost of living crisis ? Luxury items ?
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