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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. i dunno that's pretty niche in terms of experience you have .. should stand a chance
  2. Crazyfool01


    as long as its not golden ones
  3. You’ll enter via gate A along with others that arrive that side of the site … but you will join the bus queues to enter which are prioritised as they try and turn the busses around … so expect those queues to move more quickly … you’ll be fine for camping pretty much anywhere ..
  4. Done and now I know how to move topics
  5. Crazyfool01


    you are free to come and go as you want
  6. Crazyfool01


    fair ... ill let neil respond on that one ... id normally have removed them sooner though . please use report button and that should help a little timing wise
  7. Crazyfool01


    spam posts are all deleted and spammers blocked ... posts are removed
  8. Example spreadsheet here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1raN8RvaJ3e4aAFO-BAYi6j_xQ32GCIMbetQdeX-wKUc/edit#gid=0 thanks @gigpusher
  9. So once it’s all setup then a separate spreadsheet thread was the way we did it … and all efest members … presuming that there were one in each group get tagged in it …. You can then hover over the post on a laptop mouse and see when people have been last active on efests … if someone hasn’t been active for a while then they should be asked if they still want to participate . You will get some dropouts between now and the fest if people take up working positions and some may change minds … those people will then go green and hopefully will remain as helpers for the greater good of the spreadsheet team
  10. and your photos continue to be amazing 🙂
  11. got it ... try and relate them to festival if you can ... google is your friend on this
  12. its a countdown thread of the days remaining till gates open 🙂
  13. think he probably keeps the spares in his wardrobe
  14. yeah clearly we all have cardboard cut outs of starmer and pray in his direction every night after reading this thread
  15. For clarity the spreadsheet posted earlier in this thread is an old one … access wont be available … old owner has had 9 requests today … there are 2 active spreadsheets … although I believe the first one is now closed to new entries
  16. Hope people had phones on silent 🙂 how’s the organisation for both groups going ?
  17. Op isn’t banned just caught up in a more general ip ban and should still be able to post
  18. doesn't relate to any posts ... unfortunately some people have been caught in the crossfire of a more general ip ban to try and prevent some of the trolling activity ... hopefully it wont last too long
  19. opinion are always formed from somewhere .... wether it be twitter , fb , the media . or other source
  20. @sime have you noticed a noticeable change in attitudes since you started going ? Or do you think the festival is as it’s always been for you
  21. what device are you refreshing .... if its apple it will be command and r ... and you should be doing it on that holding page with the countdown on it .... can be tried on any webpage
  22. I often fear for those camped next to trackways that the tents get absolutely ruined by mud and overflow from pathways although obviously last year dust might have been the issue and not mud
  23. wheels look decent similar size to our bike trailer wheels which only struggled in 2016 and that was quite a bit to do with the brakes getting clogged up with straw and wood chip ... that front wheel mudguard might be better removed to prevent this
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