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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. yeah sorry would be like missing an open goal that one
  2. right now thank you very much
  3. Randomly listening right now
  4. i did think you might have had a promt from a certain tweet earlier 🙂
  5. keep on Mooving ... perfect for the farm
  6. Yeah I don’t think I’ve ever seen that once In all my years on efests
  7. the festival drop off is the bath and west showground shuttles run from there to the site
  8. happy birthday then.... day after mine 🙂
  9. intensity of the live shows is something else ... im probably into double figures seeing them now but was chatting to someone who'd seen them every night of the tour
  10. what to do ? cant really get excited about it although ill probably end up watching
  11. gonna be voting Lib dem anyway 🙂
  12. Yeah but that’s fairly easy to get round if anyone was determined enough
  13. Quite a bit of info on the link on page 3 of this thread
  14. how so ? registrations arent linked to anything .... many people have several that are active ?
  15. on the resale spreadsheet thread last time we tagged people and if you hover over tag you can see if people are still active .... important for security .... and to see who you need to contact ... some will likely drop out as life events happen or work crops up ... although we anyone that ended up working we kept on the spreadsheet and turned green to keep the positive vibes going ..
  16. Crazyfool01


    topping up the reservoirs locally for definite 🙂
  17. Crazyfool01


    unrelated ... hopefully access will return soon
  18. my leave goes in straight after the fest .... absolute nightmare getting holiday approved ... no way im chancing it .... good luck OP thats pretty decent notice and hopefully the issue with just one day should see you ok
  19. no she just shouted CRUMBS at the top of her voice
  20. I get that 🙂 … fingers crossed … should be a bumper resale
  21. Crumbs no … meant I hang around talking in here a fair bit with the ultras
  22. Annecdotal I know but this year it seems like a generally higher success rate maybe that’s because I talk mostly to they very commited … it’ll be number 16 almost in a row for me … I missed one because I was out the country in 09 … but didn’t attempt tickets that year
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