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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Crazyfool01


    Good … who else do you trust ?
  2. Crazyfool01


    Ok so do you trust that I don’t hang with trolls ?
  3. Crazyfool01


    Ok can I chat to you about some help without you feeling like it’s a pile on ?
  4. Crazyfool01


    He’s trying to help … it’s not a pop
  5. Crazyfool01


    yep I know that … weirdly I don’t want anyone getting I’ll . That forum doesn’t seem to have worked as admin is a tough job .for anyone let alone someone who’s had a stroke recently
  6. Crazyfool01


    Ok so let’s offer help and show we aren’t .. proactive stuff … it took a massive job getting the forum running and no one likes the dickheads either …
  7. Crazyfool01


    They can help make your life a damn site easier to start with … neil I actually give a shit about you and your health and your business … please let people help … that’s no admission of any kind of failure it’s understanding that maybe things are a little harder these days for you
  8. Crazyfool01


    Absolutely this 💯 %
  9. Crazyfool01


    Ok so we are at a bit of a stalemate here what can your users do to help ? No one wants the trolls and people have offered help …
  10. Here to offer advice … you’ll all feel shit today but that’ll pass and with patience most should get there in the end … loads of competitions and work options will spring up too
  11. Last time we had group details sent to a specific email and dms for a watts app group
  12. Bit of a tip … maybe remove the link … just don’t want anyone ripped off …. It probably needs an admin to do the work and a watts app group to communicate
  13. Exact same issues … I don’t mind too much the issues getting into site but had failure at almost all the stages throughout the process including nearly timing out on payment as that wouldn’t proceed
  14. Crazyfool01


    Is there a way of moving this forward so we end up with the dickheads banned and others able to access accounts ? So the blanket ban can become more targeted …
  15. No longer randoms … people who helped in the resale last time …. I got mine in bus sale and my mates plus 4 efesters in this sale
  16. Site seemed more glitchy at stages past the holding page after submitting various details this time … guess this helped our group in the long run
  17. Stick in there guys … bumper resale to come … ❤️
  18. Looks like a lovey morning on the farm once a bit of lingering fog clears … much like our heads today ….. good luck all look forward to lots of tales of success later … over and out for now
  19. Same to you lot … I sent a few groups your way 🙂
  20. @MrZigster don’t want to mess up any groups …. Have you decided what plans are ?
  21. How big is your spreadsheet ? Ours is 20 groups ?
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