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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. It is but it fits a pattern of late night posting
  2. Yeah I saw that was utter crap that list .. just presumed the bbc hadn’t used that and they had a reliable list
  3. Maybe now is the time to say he’s not standing
  4. Can’t log in to old account which has 1 post eh ?
  5. Do they need to see if they have the numbers before coming out ?
  6. Weren’t you saying there was a bj factor a while back ?
  7. Sunak pulling away … will the others get to 100 ?
  8. We also have plenty of back stabbing about turners amongst Tory mps … so we don’t know which way they might go to protect jobs … or fingers crossed give up
  9. The reality is that there are so many influences and parameters to what might happen that I’m absolutely only guessing … I haven’t got a clue what might be the quickest way to get an election with the least damage to others . Just taking a punt really
  10. My thoughts on Boris were that he’s divided them already when his cabinet got him kicked out … that won’t be possible to repair . Sunak I see as a bit more steady … maybe some might blame him for the demise of Boris but I think most had probably got to that opinion anyway … apart from nadine
  11. More the fact he won’t bring unity he will cause mps fingers crossed to cross the floor … he’s also got an ongoing investigation into him .. we don’t know anything for certain tbh but that’s how I feel it would go … even Chris mason last night was saying he doesn’t have a clue either
  12. The quicker we get to a general election the better …. Whoever we get isn’t going to miraculously sort anything … absolutely grim I’m aware but it’s kind of where we are …just that Boris gets us to the general election and some kind of proper resolution rather than a Tory party fighting amongst themselves
  13. where do I find who my MP is backing ?
  14. While I agree with most of the points here I just think there are too many things now , he’s gone past a point of no return . If he comes back he won’t be any different and there will be plenty more scandals to come … if he could be absolutely squeaky clean then I guess there might be a remote chance but that’s just not how Boris works
  15. Not a hope … unless the Labour Party implode in spectacular fashion
  16. you can test that they all work now we had a postcode wrong on our spreadsheet and entering all the details has allowed us to pick it up and sort it
  17. this is exactly why he needs to win
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