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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Might have been a very different thing if he was PM … we just don’t know
  2. Untill his parties in Downing Street or before that when DOminic Cummings was checking his eyesight ? Corbyn would have locked down sooner and not scrapped the pandemic preparedness …. Anyway it’s by the by as it’s all just guesses
  3. I mean yeah but it’s not like this shit has ever happened before or will fingers crossed ever happen again
  4. are you kidding ? .... i mean he missed cobra briefings , locked down late , brought dodgy PPE and had the worst death toll in Europe ....
  5. yeah ive set them up for the last few festivals with the aim of confusing myself further , it works every time
  6. Skips page … is this some kind of foreign language people are talking ? 😂
  7. That’s the way the system is set up though … someone fails someone steps in … surely it’s far better than the swapping of leaders with no mandate ?
  8. I’ve got my second internet connection going in today which is much faster than current . My first contract I’ve cancelled a few days after T day . Will likely make not much difference but at least I feel like I’m doing something different after failing to get anywhere in last 2 main sales
  9. When does the next poll come that will reflect the events of the last 24hrs ?
  10. It’s over … dick and Dom and h from steps calling for a general election today
  11. They need to deal with mogg and cofee today for starters
  12. That’s pretty close to General Election territory isn’t it ? If they all lose the whip ?
  13. Morning all …. What happens next …
  14. Chief whips still in post according to BBC
  15. Rhys Mogg will now be suspended along with Coffee
  16. Ive no doubt tomorrow a general election will be called
  17. This is surely it now ? not just for Truss ?
  18. not sure I believe dan hodges much .... he was talking about ministers poised to quit a few days ago .... doesnt seem to have happened
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