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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. if thats true .... they will vote for the labour motion tonight wont they ?
  2. sticks the knife in on the way out ..... nice
  3. At this rate my MP will be in the cabinet / PM
  4. Didnt truss make an honest mistake ?
  5. It’s all fine nothing to see here
  6. What time is the vote tonight ? I’m off for flu jab and don’t want to miss it
  7. only things we might see is updated Arcadia ...ongoing project , maybe Silver Hayes as that is in the process of changing , and maybe a replacement for the mouldy Genosys ?
  8. much as everyone wants some refresh I absolutely cant see it happening during this shit thats going on .... and they wont be reducing punters either .....
  9. Truss running scared again or she's not allowed to answer questions by hunt .... pilled out of factory visit where she was due to answer journalists questions this afternoon
  10. Am I correct that the cost of the carpark covers the rental of that land off the local farmers as it isnt owned by Michael ... so that increase will go to them ?
  11. see follow up set infrastructure is already paid for ...... new stuff needs to be paid for
  12. these things cost money .... you wanted a reduction in capacity yesterday
  13. are you offering to pay for it ?
  14. I think I’ve changed my mind I’m voting tory now liz has accepted responsibility. Oh and my mum will be fine now Liz has promised improved social care
  15. Where does this compassionate conservatives bollocks come from ?
  16. Heads in the sand I’d say … many people just don’t think ahead or are hoping for a miracle
  17. if the poll is accurate 30% might not attend the festival ..... thats a very significant number to me and id say we are the most hardcore on here
  18. Yeah you’ll also get rewards that you weren’t expecting . It’s worth doing for definate if you are a customer there anyway
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