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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. they also haven't responded to my post asking if they reported it ?
  2. Yeah absolutely this … hopefully once ticket sale is done people can focus on getting excited once again … and the negative shit can slowly dissapear … plenty of that in life at the moment we don’t need more of it than necessary on here
  3. We will see but I’d imagine they need to maximise the numbers from a business point of view . I honestly didn’t find it too busy personally … but I didn’t go to any of the talked about sets somehow I must have avoided the busy food vendors too
  4. so cut 20k and put prices up yeah ? Wouldn’t that be another thing you’ve been complaining about ? Or cut the money to charity ?
  5. I presume you reported the knives ? If so that would probably show up in the crime figures … reported thefts were definately down …. In 14 festivals I’ve not seen a fight … cocaine use was more obvious I would say but nos seemed like it was down or less obvious these things change but didn’t really impact my festival whatsoever
  6. Yeah that’s quite a jump from your limit . Hopefully a lottery win comes your way or you manage to find an alternative that’s not so pricey … or maybe try the work option … although I know that’s not everyone’s cup of tea
  7. The problem isn’t just relating to the cost of the festival is it … I’m sure people on here probably don’t need reminding but whenever it may come please vote this bunch of twats out of office should you /we get the chance . Try not to blame much at the gates of the festival they try and survive and donate a few quid to charity
  8. How much are you priced out by ? Is it just you or other members of a group ?
  9. I’ve a price already … someone I know hopefully gives me decent rates and they’ve not increased since but yeah It’s gone up …
  10. Prompts me to order some logs for the wood burner tomoro
  11. Respect for some of the posts I’ve seen from you lately … more detailed than I’d dream to be
  12. My first thought … decided not to post it because of environmental impact of monorails
  13. Michael should buy himself a new swimming pool ..... 87 fair play to the guy happy birthday Michael
  14. Chris Bryant always comes over well in my opinion ... would like someone like that as my MP
  15. its just bizarre if its so important why not just tell us ... obviously it wasnt
  16. whats your point here ? we all age ?
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