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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Crazyfool01


    New location for the Glastonbury Sign
  2. I get you and understand and slightly tempted but under our voting system the Lib Dem’s will be my choice . I understand people making choices like yours and the reason they would . I hope the Green Party get some mps as I think a presence in parliament is absolutely needed
  3. Solar really doesn’t work that well In my opinion … the Voda batteries only have enough Juice to charge a phone for 1 day . So charging 2 phones that would get split . Think they are 5000mah
  4. I think I’ve made the decision I need a bit more room to attempt to dance .πŸ•Ίβ€¦ she’s got loads of sing alongs so think the atmosphere further Back will still be great
  5. Dua Lipa 150 LCD Soundsystem 100 -10 Little Simz 130 The National 189 The Streets 50 Justice 303 Heilung 40 Nia Archives 153 Romy 70 Fontaines D.C. 225 Orbital 305
  6. The only ones that don’t I think are the greens and I’d vote for them in a flash if they had hope of winning the seat . Sadly it’s next best and I reckon the Lib Dem’s will be the first to start calling for the return
  7. Well this country has lost a lot on leaving … along with Tory corruption the country is broken …
  8. Guess you probably aren’t feeling the damage in Sweden then 😞
  9. was really strange ... it didnt quite hit me until we were listening on the radio to the news on the Monday after while sat in the car waiting to exit the carparks , shielded a little by being at the festival I guess .... sadly politicians ignoring the costs still .... maybe next election it becomes something thats talked about and the damage its doing
  10. definately gonna be there for that
  11. Yeah as above post πŸ’― saves the walk to get them and then the queue . I’d personally get one with a slightly higher capacity than that .
  12. Indeed . Although in many ways being with likeminded people helped me … had a run in with a Brexit voting colleague today who was whinging about the poor quality of fruit and veg So I responded that Brexit has reduced standards . Wouldn’t believe me and conversation ended when she started to tell me about the no money left note left by Labour . No point engaging with some sadly
  13. Yeah fair enough the ones I had a few years back were maybe a couple of inches long
  14. Is this for hanging bags at long drop ? You know the alternative is to hang bag on locking metal bar ?
  15. Dua … I reckon this will be an absolute party Coldplay … can’t miss after the work has gone in . Will smash it Justice …. Sold to me by the recommendations on here over many years
  16. Appreciate the positivity
  17. Day off after election approved . So hopefully the comedown from Glastonbury will be lifted on the Thurs eve / Fri
  18. Crazyfool01


    Base coats on ready to be painted and themed in situ
  19. Crazyfool01


    I dont mind that actually ( he says while looking on webcam thread ) ... build is usually quite late though ... high expectations for that this year πŸ™‚
  20. everything so well publicised now . the ones with more chance are the ones where you need to actually do something as that might put off people although even the wateraid one got loads . but maybe because people could submit multiple entries
  21. Crazyfool01


    speaker towers going up ?
  22. setup ...meet the spreadsheet group from resale , then head over to efest meet , grab some food from West Holts on the way .... then hopefully something different instead of fireworks this year πŸ™‚
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