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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Waits for that lad with the firework up his ass to try lighting it with the spider
  2. screenshot is enough I’d say so people don’t accidentally click on a scummy link
  3. Stay clear of those cliffs guy 🙂 beautiful photo x
  4. Our gym now shutting the hot tub for autumn / winter it barely worked anyway … might save myself the money soon and quit it … overheard the manager saying the London branches putting up fees by £30 a month …. Nuffield health
  5. I’m on the huge amount of £10.10 per hour … we have had our raise for the year whoopie … in fact we had 2 because the first one was embarrassing
  6. Aw that’s a shame and there goes my attempted catch up for a pint when you return … Will hopefully hunt you down in June instead
  7. yeah that demand just gets pushed earier because people knew when it sold out previously .... not necessarily because of increased demand .... although that might well be the case as GM seemed to get very good reviews
  8. most of the regulars id say get them as they probably are better prepared than the casual attendee .... but not long till we find out .... good luck to all 🙂
  9. not so sure ... despite being outnumbered a bit here ill stick to my Guns on this ..... will never find out though unless it doesnt sell out 🙂
  10. thats the same every year though .... now we have people being priced out added in .... absolutely no chance of demand being higher
  11. yeah totally agree on this ...... even without fuel prices , the mortgage issue is going to leave a lot of people in middle income brackets with far less disposable income ... so its not just the very low paid that might think twice
  12. but reduced demand will help those that still want to go .... it will just mean that fewer people fight over each ticket ... thats the point im making .... people are burying heads in the sand if they don't think this shit will impact festivals when its hitting everything else
  13. Website might be easier to access and they might actually sell quicker depending on what they limit it to ? Even if demand is lower
  14. thats a big if .... Michael will deliberately be making demand seem inflated ... thats sensible practice . if those numbers drop it will mean fewer people miss out and it might be slightly easier .... even if it does sell out quickly
  15. means absolutely nothing ... people knew it sold out last time so tried earlier ... that also doesnt mean that demand was stronger ... just that demand moved to a different sale date
  16. Anyway I don’t think this sale is relevant due to tech issues
  17. Ok maybe not the poorest but some in the middle might well be tightening belts as I’ve noticed already with many people now choosing the value range
  18. Did it not sell out very quickly last time ? I’m a bit confused about how people not having money impacts everything else but not festival demand ?
  19. It does relate to the topic at least so we are on tracker
  20. That table in croissant Neuf just takes up loads of space …
  21. Just get Coldplay back and playing a few more sets across the festival would save them a few quid … give everyone the light up bands they could also save on electricity for lighting we could all power the stages by jumping up and down
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