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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Was the NOS situation better than beat hotel … seemed like it walking past but I don’t think I went in … think that’s been an issue for you on the past
  2. Hmm thought most of the earlier prep work work that was done in advance was by the farm hands … like the pyramid maybe it gets passed over to others
  3. Punishment is walking the plank off the end into pennards … actually reminds me that they were supposed to have some prehired blue tents below it I think , don’t think they ever materialised though
  4. Would be interesting to see the cost of some of these things … materials would already be brought … Labour done by farm hands in advance ? So not sure the costs would be massive … it also has minimal ongoing performance entertainment? It’s a creative addition to me similar to some of the other sculptures around the place
  5. I appier to be one of the only ones to like it … but it also seems like it’s busy when I’ve walked past it
  6. Felt a bit like the spider got dumped there as a bit of a last minute fill in . Obviously they didn’t have time to sort a better plan … hopefully the start of the new plan will be next year and not the following one …
  7. duh yep .... oops .... not got used to the change in months yet 🙂
  8. Registration cut off Monday … get it sorted now
  9. im struggling .... maybe cinemacarmageddon .... but dont think that would save much as the cars would already have been purchased ..... and its a bit of a hike and seems sort of outside the festival . Problem is once the festival have spent out the costs will be lower .... Pier and Arcadia the same .... Although I guess the arcadia project is back at square 1 so might not have had a significant spend yet
  10. wouldn't cut any .... things start getting cut then so does customer experience and then the numbers of attendees drops its a slippery slope ..... remove an area and it leads to that demographic going to an alternative type festival . The beauty of the festival is that it serves so many different requirements
  11. I started in 02 and those tents were there then I think ? was it not called the dance village then ?
  12. Too busy getting a kicking from Emily and Nick … I don’t expect you’ll get an email … but they might remove themselves from the project
  13. Fair point … I just don’t see that happening ….
  14. Arcadia has loads to come … it’s just unfortunate they had to take a few steps backwards …
  15. People would still moan about it being shit though dance east and west were good at that point in time … creativity and expectations have moved on massively since . We used to be happy sat round fires chatting after all The gully went last year , was told it was down to costs and availability of people to do the safety checks .
  16. That just becomes an extension of silver Hayes then ? Which majority say was their least favorite area … and people still said it when it was called the dance village with big dance tents
  17. Will that still apply with lots of mortgages being removed from the market ?
  18. Right you are now blocked I’m fed up with the absolute bollocks you are spout ing of late … I actually spent many days sticking up for you during the tough times of covid … you won’t make anyone vote Labour with the attitude you have towards others … and your love of Starmer is beyond bizzare . Just because my opinions differ don’t you dare talk down to me . Strangely enough I’m actually starting to see why people give you red arrows now and why you got given one of the first ones I’ve dished out for many years a couple of days back . Have fun in Ozanne’s starmer w*nking thread I’m out
  19. Much better to win voters over with policy than symbolism ….
  20. No but I’m not sure that one is in SEC …. Don’t think the punters can get downlow
  21. How dare I not like flags and the nationalism it symbolises
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