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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. I’m not a fan of either the George cross or Union Jack there either … however the pyramid stage is amazing
  2. Just a couple of flags , only a bit of patriotism nothing to worry about
  3. People tightening belts already to stave of debt as long as they can
  4. wonder if you say that about the far right flag wavers ?
  5. narrow minded if you think its just a song ..... Its just a flag .... thats just crap tbh ..... its the start of a worrying route ....
  6. nah fuck the nationalism ... it just works to divide people .... and thats where we are in Italy right now
  7. Totally agree and as I put in the initial poll I don’t think this forum is reflective of what will happen
  8. The national anthem at labour conference…. Cringeworthy 😞 straight out the Tory manual
  9. Gives a bit more time for them to work out ticket prices with costs rising is the best guess
  10. we had a bit of a discussion around this on last nights virtual meet and that seems to be the opinion of most .... personally I do wonder if its already taken a bite out of some already as im seeing at work when picking shopping .... although maybe that income range have previously been priced out .... might just take any edge of demand in Nov . some might not want to be heaping debt on prior to xmas either
  11. Yeh I’m so glad about that … was a big relief 😉
  12. Anyones thoughts / votes changed as we've learnt more details of the shit show impending ?
  13. Seems like that to me … hopefully they don’t do another 2 years worth of damage in the meantime
  14. Not always been the case though those emails have taken some time in the past
  15. oh for sure ... they've left themselves wide open to it .
  16. watch this space I guess ... press will be press in terms of headline writing .... still not a good thing ... hopefully they change their mind ... must be a decent incentive for them to do it financially though
  17. Not that I’ve seen in my time on here either … still I’d be wary though
  18. Dental Plan is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Crazyfools Glastonbury Zoom Meet Time: Sep 24, 2022 07:30 PM London Join Zoom Meeting https://us04web.zoom.us/j/73459887362?pwd=CtuFekO0hU0oncwaIUnbRRifAOGaBc.1 Meeting ID: 734 5988 7362 Passcode: sit6WW
  19. I understand how it works .... I also know that each party in a constituency starts on 0 votes
  20. I feel things may be different ... we will see
  21. If they can’t do it now then they are completely unelectable and might as well give up unless they form some kind of pact with the Lib Dem’s .
  22. I’d be concerned if they can’t with this shit show going on … they have plenty of ammunition now to pummel the Tories . Large majority or not …. The help is clearly going to a very small percentage of the population … we will see I guess but there’s incredible unhappiness out there .. translating into Labour leads in the polls you post either you trust those or you don’t ?
  23. The average Joe Public takes no notice of conferences in my opinion … they aren’t going to announce anything to change minds … the shit has well and truely set in and we are going to have to face up to next 2 years if they aren’t kicked out before that . I’ll eat my hat if starmer doesn’t win with a majority people are bloody fed up ⬆️ didn’t see post above
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