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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Absolutely:) I’ll go back to CF tomoro just to save further confusion 🙂
  2. Someone snuck in 30k posts and no one noticed 😉 mind you I will be going back in a day or 2 … it does sound very trollish name .. and it’s just weird having a different one .. it was done at the request of someone on here
  3. The codes vary in length it’s no issue … for peace of mind use the email lookup thing in the main site … typed at same time as Stuie above 🙂
  4. At least Pritti has quit !!! Before she got sacked
  5. I guess the reasonable assumption is that it’ll be untill the next election unless she get deposed by Boris before that … can’t see anyone else wanting to take the reigns or throw themselves in for a very short period of time
  6. How long do we give her ? Place your bets now
  7. Crazyfool01

    Pilton Party

    might have been my pre party tweet or hes got good eyesight spotting lego on my hat 15m away 🙂
  8. Crazyfool01

    Pilton Party

    I went for a worthy cheddar toastie 🙂 .... there was a decent choice but the queues were massive for the other options and there were several issues with them taking card payments which didnt help matters . woodfired pizza and burritos available elsewhere but there were definately a couple more
  9. Crazyfool01

    Pilton Party

    was a bit shocked having a chat with Guy Garvey mid show ... even if he could hear my replies 🙂
  10. Or he’s just been clearly the best driver in the best car all season … but of course you wouldn’t know because you’ve not been watching
  11. If you aren’t happy turn it off .. you said you’d not watch it again anyway
  12. Lucky Lewis in response for those crying about verstappen
  13. You’d have a never ending big job … so you’d need to be prepared for that . We shut the resale spreadsheet at a set date to enable things to be as secure as possible . And created a watts app group with one member of each group in it . You really don’t have long … think we shut it down 2 weeks before first sale .
  14. I actually thought he was serious … duh 🙄
  15. This is dire …. And so is the interview technique ….
  16. Crazyfool01

    Pilton Party

    Does anyone know if coverage for this is available anywhere … I’d love to find my chat with Guy Garvey … or is it just filmed for the screen ?
  17. Crazyfool01

    Pilton Party

    see you back in the second home soon ... safe drive
  18. Quite liked a bit of interaction and a chat with Guy Garvey during the Pilton Party set last night 😝
  19. Crazyfool01

    Pilton Party

    All in the Jp field stage backs onto the woods and the entrance to the event you kind of walk through where the tent would be … yep it’s just that one field
  20. Crazyfool01

    Pilton Party

    Almost at my feet 🦶
  21. Crazyfool01

    Pilton Party

    Yeah that incident was right by us amazing response and we’ll done to Guy for stopping the show .. seemed like the chap was ok in the end
  22. Crazyfool01

    Pilton Party

    Amazing .. love you all x
  23. they were doing the same tickets ..... standing with a sat option at the same price early on.... as the sale went on they doubled and then trippled the price
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