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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. He’s not doing too bad considering he’s not got the car under him to challenge … hopefully merc can close the gap between seasons … it’s a bit dull with a verstappen procession …. Or any procession for that matter …
  2. Verstappen is gonna win this
  3. Power Banks 57 Hats/Hats 58 Pillows 0 -10 … dead 💀
  4. crazy fool is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Dental Plan's Zoom Meeting Time: Aug 26, 2022 08:00 PM London Join Zoom Meeting https://us04web.zoom.us/j/2128362334?pwd=NmtPOU5lUHRjOWZsbGRoM0RUMWxvQT09 Meeting ID: 212 836 2334 Passcode: 8TwbA4
  5. yeah or we wouldn't be going through this rudderless period with the no apparent PM
  6. The problem is this is when we need to use more though … unless we get a weirdly warm winter
  7. dont think that will wash tbh people become desperate .... they can spin all they like , when people have no food or heating , it'll happen im sure ..... very much up to others to cut through the spin
  8. Crazyfool01

    Pilton Party

    can I join the negotiations ? 🙂
  9. ill probably rerun the poll after xmas to see how/ if peoples thoughts have changed
  10. Ha well I doubt this could happen despite my predictions of disorder … we do need a govt ( not this one obviously ) but do wonder how far we are from it all kicking off …. There is an enough is enough campaign I’ve seen but nothing seems to be massively coordinated (yet ) and not seen anything about marches in London which is where it will all start
  11. Poll tax springs to mind ….we don’t do this anymore tbh because of laws that have been brought in … mass scale will impact in the end
  12. Absolute crap … would encourage people to join any local marches that might happen … can’t see people lasting the winter without some riots tbh .
  13. Power Banks 63 Hats/Hats 58 (+10) Pillows 25
  14. Someone mentioned that to me there were 2 dates more to add for Cardiff but would have thought that would have happened today ?
  15. not sure i enjoyed that rush of blood to the head .... thankfull to friends yet again ... ive lost my ticket day touch
  16. and a shit load of people dying ?! best not to forget this .....
  17. Fuck the dynamic pricing by ticket master …. If anyone fancies retweeting this …
  18. They get handed back in and are ♻️
  19. New date added 7th June cardiff manchester 3rd June
  20. Put me in at 46k in the queue on TM for Cardiff …. Fortunately a friend got them @Funkyfairy! much appreciated … I’m still 26k … maybe see some of you there … gonna sort out a hat 🙂
  21. I read this thread intently… half the time thinking what the hell are people talking about and then go back to my tried and tested
  22. Power Banks 65 Hats/Hats 65 Pillows 26 -10
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