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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. fortunately i took a battery pack when i met my brother ( always seem to carry them weirdly ) and the video call eventually sorted it .
  2. I think that’s what I presumed and it wasn’t so I had to climb back onto the road again and go a bit further
  3. Don’t think I’ve actually told it because I’m not sure of the actually detail and don’t want to elaborate with details of twix … what I do know is that after several attempts at night he was able to use a hacksaw to chop some branches which aided him in a fence up and over … his motorbike was parked in one of the posh camping areas out that way which he’d used for arrival .On my birthday the Thursday he asked me to do him a small favour when we met for the traditional birthday drink at the cider bus and retrieve his bag as I was wristbanded . He had pin located it above and with the aid of that and a video call or two and about half hours worth of searching and a few nettle stings and bramble scratches I managed to locate it . And walked the couple of miles back to the HOD gate where I met him and handed over his camouflage rucksack and Bivvy and was reunited with my hat . Whilst out that way I was asked by a group of 3 lads what I was up to … as I was climbing into the trees .. they looked like they were on a fence reccy . Security need more manpower would be my call … there were some obvious places that didn’t have any where previously they would have done .
  4. yeah fair its not actually something they could do either having giving it some thought .... one yer Bike torys .... this cost of living stuff is decimating the country 😞
  5. Yeah I was a bit slow on the uptake there 🙂
  6. All he had I think … he kipped in my tent one night and outside it in his Bivvy bag the others … oh sorry yeah someone else needs to bring kit in I reckon
  7. Here’s my instructions I needed to follow to find his kit I’d imagine he got in in the rough vicinity of where the bag was dumped … over the fence
  8. Walking Boots 20 -10 Fresh and Black tents 30 Power Banks 74Lenor Bottles 84Air bed 30Hats/Hats 77 Pillows 55
  9. Someone who went over the fence
  10. I can’t work it out … the ford is by gate D where pedestrians can precariously walk over a bridge and there’s some of the posher camping out that way …gate d and turn right along the road
  11. I’m happy to pay 🙂 … yeah I’m none of those … but definately seems more realistic than some of the previous vids … I was hoping he inspected the culvert at the last point … as that looked like a possible when I went out that way to collect a bag from the woods 😂
  12. now this one does seem like its doable
  13. They probably would have done without the need for budget cuts … spider looked pretty small after seeing the crane …
  14. Yep it’s gonna be spider again … gives them a bit more time to work on whatever is new in the pipeline … it’s an easy one to save costs with no backlash in terms of there being no change and it dissapearing .
  15. I’d say there won’t be a new arcadia till year after next for definate
  16. I think this might be topping up the reservoirs today .. and the fire risk is surely gone !! Bring back summer 😞
  17. Everywhere … they are monitored constantly . @funkychick2007 might be able to give more detail … all the feedback we give I’d hazard a guess they already know.
  18. I honestly reckon the crowd control monitors will have picked up the issues … I’m sure they will be dealt with in time for next year … no reason for the festival to want anything catastrophic . The site is very heavily monitored by cctv
  19. Hope not but yep … I worry once that happens too often it becomes a downward spiral
  20. I have walking shoes …. So the boots are getting the minus votes atm
  21. Yeah it’s just been light drizzle most of the morning … should be ok for lowering the fire risk I’d hope but not for any significant topping up of the reservoirs
  22. Quite a bit out … corrected scores as follows adding your plus 10 on walking boots Walking Boots 25 +10 Fresh and Black tents 40 Power Banks 79 Lenor Bottles 74 Air bed 20 Hats/Hats 77 Pillows 55
  23. Essential maybe but you added a bit too much 🙂
  24. Walking Boots 25 -10 Fresh and Black tent 40 Power Bank 79 Lenor Bottle 64 Air bed 40 Hats/Hat 77 Pillow 55
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