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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Actually a fair point id not considered
  2. well done Biden 🙂I jest because it has all kinds of processes behind it .... Also not mentioned on this thread is the climate stuff thats been signed off in the US .... not perfect by any stretch but steps in the right direction ... if only China might rejoin 😞
  3. some areas they announced that they will introduce them from X date ... so they knew it was an issue at that point . hopefully they can see a bit further out . and it does seem like next week we might get some rain
  4. im amazed we don't have a ban on disposable bbqs nationwide by now tbh ... also why do they wait before the introduction of hosepipe bans ?
  5. Walking Boots 100 Fresh and black tent 89 Power Bank 69 Lenor Bottle 60 Air bed 46 -3 She Wee 36 -3 Hats/Hat 83 +4 Pillow 69
  6. Crazyfool01

    Pilton Party

    Indeed . You going ? I look youthful but not quite that youthful 😂I’ll try again .. wasn’t a great concern … but would love to know why They don’t decide on a maximum number .
  7. Crazyfool01

    Pilton Party

    So what counts as excessive ? I know last time the limit seemed to be 4 cans as I had a couple taken off me . I’d much rather not have to hide cans on me
  8. Isn’t that what the power w*nk is in there for ?
  9. Walking Boots 100Fresh and black tent 90 Power Bank 69 Camp Shower 10 (-10)Lenor Bottle 50Air bed 49 She Wee 40 Hats/Hat 85 Pillow 69
  10. @Superscally this is an incredible achievement
  11. Walking Boots 100Fresh n’ black tents 90 Power Bank 69 Camp Shower 30Lenor Bottle Air bed 49She Wee 40 Hats/hats 85 Pillows 69 correct updated scores
  12. Gonna be a bit warm for the animals once again
  13. They are only baked in as far as people can afford them … it hits a threshold where they will end up losing customer spend if they don’t reduce prices … if you look at supermarkets the discounters are the ones taking the sales . The others will just loose more and more sales untill they offer something to compete price wise .
  14. For absolute definate Matt but it also needs to be finely balanced with working ridiculous hours and messing with mental health that way … it’s a tough juggling act . A few years ago I reduced my hours a fair bit and I’m definately happier for it .
  15. Walking Boots 100 Fresh and black tent 90 Power Bank 69 Camp Showers 30 Lenor Bottle 60 Airbed 49 -10 She Wee 40 Hats/Hats 85 Pillow 69
  16. Crazyfool01

    Pilton Party

    @Ayrshire Chris looks like there’s some left as predicted 😀
  17. Some of us do that … and still need at least one more 😂
  18. Walking Boots 100 Fresh and black tent 90 Power Bank 70 Camp Shower 30Lenor Bottles 55 Airbeds 59 (-10) The grass is soft enough 😛 Torches 0 -10 ... ive seen the light She Wee 45 Hats/Hats 85Pillows 70
  19. Just a reduction in alcohol generally saves a decent amount of money and makes me feel much better generally … I went with the less alcohol option during lockdown with Glastonbury as my blow out … but that was shop purchased so at most cost me £40
  20. Crazyfool01

    Pilton Party

    Tickets secured … see you all on the farm 🙂
  21. wonder if this might get extended to punters in an official capacity next year ..... Emily talked about crisps in her recent interview
  22. maybe fucking around with channel 4 wasnt the wisest move !!!
  23. here's our PM , what a bloody embarrassment
  24. getting warm end of next week looking very possible
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