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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Tonight’s link Topic: VM 5th August Time: Aug 5, 2022 07:00 PM Greenwich Mean Time Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88672554939?pwd=NVgzYXhJYXcrZFdFekhWSVVlU1k5UT09 Meeting ID: 886 7255 4939 Passcode: VM050822
  2. I guess the ones in the red wall seats might ?
  3. has he done it for a bet ? this is one hell of an error !!!
  4. I think it might be virtual meet weekend by request 🙂
  5. Walking Boots 100 Fresh and black tent 90 Power Bank 70 Camp Shower 40 Lenor Bottles 50 Airbeds 69 Torches 9 She Wee 45 Hats/Hats 86+10 Pillows 69 Ive also deleted the lube we didnt have the 10 tubes in stock that the customer required for an entire order I picked today
  6. Can someone remove the Corby trouser press pls @blutarsky I’m issuing you with a yellOw card and a 24hour ban from this game 😂
  7. I put it elsewhere but sky are good at getting the price down when you say you are leaving
  8. I don’t think many would argue the ticket price on its own isnt great value … it’s the added extras that mount up …. And sometimes things have to be cut that might not be seen as essential
  9. Are you doing it for fun ? Or any cause ?
  10. @Superscally please tell us what mad thing you have on the horizon 😀
  11. Cheers … the community is pretty good .. it got us through the tough times of covid and we will get though this too . Sometimes it helps to share these things . Which covid threads taught us early on .
  12. It’s really tough … I pick home shopping and about 1 in every 6 customer picks is the value range , where previously at a guess it was more like 1 in 20 . People are really starting to feel the pinch now and that’s before the worst of it . People shouldn’t be embarrassed to be struggling unfortunately that’s the way things have gone now and there will be so many that it’s impacting … sounds daft but there are always sympathetic ears around here if people require it
  13. Have you been able to get on any fixed energy tariffs ? That’s the main thing to look at as it’s the biggest cost . I’m not feeling it (yet ) but I’m starting to look at stuff to reduce outgoings . Gym membership and broadband next . If you have sky they are pretty good at reducing cost if you ring to say you are leaving and persist with saying it .
  14. I guess it’s a compromise I know I have to make … my tipple is alcohol and I’m quite happy pulling a can of cider from my bag rather than walking to any bar . Obviously some other fun things might have bigger costs associated … I’ve no idea on that tbh … but I no longer need another tshirt . And actually now I think I’ve got the essential camping gear sorted that I shouldn’t need to update for a while at least … that’s probably my biggest cost
  15. Whilst the festival remains good value for money it’s the added extras that mount up … working it might become an option for me depending on how things go , I’ve not taken the option yet despite being heavily persuaded to as I see it as my one holiday a year . This year however at the festival I spent under £100 but that did mean I took all my own drink and some food in .
  16. I ticked the last but one option .. I’m on minimum wage with some savings so would likely take a hit for one festival … it’s not something I think I’d be able to continue doing if costs remain as they are … I don’t do a huge amount of social stuff anyway so can’t really save a great deal there with cutbacks … seems like we are a demographic on the forum that fortunately in terms of the festival won’t be hit … but I do wonder if demand will be somewhat reduced from those with lower incomes or maybe that demographic have already been priced out
  17. yeah apologies for that ...theres always option s I think of after I post a poll ... working seems a more and more decent option in these times , I wonder if demand for that will increase
  18. Also I do realise this poll will be skewed as we are probably at the more keen end of the scale
  19. with the current cost of living crisis , the bank of England raising Interest rates and Inflation at record levels , what are peoples thoughts on ticket purchase in oct and balance payments in April ? where will people cut cloth if they need to ? will it be gigs or festivals that go ? realising i missed a workers option so please give the general feeling amongst paying mates
  20. Walking Boots 100 fresh and black tent 100 Power Bank 70+1 Camp Shower 40 +1Lenor Bottles 70 +1Airbeds 69 Torches 29 She Wee 45Hats/Hats 76 +7 Pillows 69
  21. you complain about the acts and the ticket holders though ... pretty hard to keep away from ? maybe book a camping holiday in a field for the crew so you dont need to be concerned about those things
  22. You may wish to have another go … travel iron has just been added by blutarsky… I’m suprised he didn’t go for hair straighteners though . Please delete the iron
  23. Crazyfool01

    Pilton Party

    Plus the very locals will have had the chance to see elbow a month or so ago on the farm if they’d wanted to
  24. Dido anyone ? She sings a song called white flag I think 😂
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