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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Yeah … last min change … they were going to do 2 dates at Louisiana … but it wouldn’t fit … so it’s Exeter for me and luckily they now do late trains
  2. Yeah I’d love that … I’ll suggest it 🙂 think it might clash with something that they are doing already
  3. New album tour announcement 6pm … hopefully see some of you in Edit Exeter
  4. EE seem to have decent coverage although I never saw 5G … instead of completely changing networks many phones offer dual sim capability so you can switch between networks … so might be worth having a pay as you go sim as a secondary network which you can just switch to as and when needed . I had this as a backup plan but didn’t need it as EE was my primary account
  5. I’m sure they have people looking at these things … and people very much in the know …
  6. they already have ... with wet leg
  7. Is he attending the next one ? Should help a few out … I’d suggest maybe that’s a bit drastic though … I’m sure he takes contactless payment
  8. The telescopic stool is going to be the 2023 fresh and black …
  9. Not sure about just this weekend tbh … It’s warm enough already … I do wonder if there is an upper limit temperature which is a cut off ? When I worked on the vineyards in NZ I think it was 33 . Mind you I think we got warmer than that in 2019 ?!
  10. You are aware the festival nearly got closed down because of numbers … that’s why they introduced the superfence in the first place … there’s no extra bucks in pockets for an event that doesn’t happen ?!!
  11. I’m in for the bus on the wed in the first sale this time … with the hope to getting an earlier one … glad I got a ticket but feel like I missed out on the wed as I was pretty much straight to the efest meet and had little chance to explore on the wed
  12. I meant oct sale … just had resale in my head for so long 😂
  13. Plenty of new friends and wonderful memory’s … and a reduced concern of the c word
  14. Don’t the festival have things in place to monitor these things ? Cameras etc and people on the ground ? Emily has already said that wet leg were wrongly placed and that’s an acknowledgment of issues and not them turning a blind eye … ?! It’s not in their interests to ignore such things
  15. I just don’t like the lumping in of it being a particular set of fans or nationality !!
  16. Seems like an issue for many sports and events post covid … people seem to have forgotten how to behave … fans at silverstone were also mentioned on that thread … bloody great race though and nice to see merc slowly creeping back into things … still a bit of a way to go mind
  17. Crazyfool01

    Pilton Party

    Who else is planning on going ?
  18. I hope you are both happy together maybe I should buy a hat 🎩 😉
  19. Phew … think I got the answer right ? Is there a prize ?
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