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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Crazyfool01

    feet meet

    Something weird afoot today
  2. It’s quite a lot based on decent technique and it’s tough at first … I remember that from the times I stopped .. I was pretty much doing it daily and built up over a few years . Now I swim which is much more gentle but need to get back to doing that more regularly. Just keep challenging yourself to go either a bit further or a bit faster than the previous session .
  3. I used to be really into rowing … used to do 10k rows in about 30mins …. Just built it up very slowly and then added pace bursts into it … it’s so good for fitness that
  4. Basically I need to keep my sugars within a range … too high and I shouldn’t exercise too low and I should stop and eat carbs therefore defeating the point of the excercise … it is possible as has been proven by Gary Mabutt and Steve Redgrave both famous sportsmen with type 1 .. I’ll probably need to seek some decent advice though … it’s not gonna be easy but it is possible … excercise type won’t really matter … they will just effect in different ways and at different speeds
  5. Gonna try and shed 8kg …. I’m 104kg and that’s far too much … I’ve the added complication of type 1 diabetes so need to have carbs when I don’t really want them … it’s gonna be interesting as I’ve never really tried weight loss before
  6. Yep there was a grill over If it’s near a ford about 1km from gate c I walked out that way to retrieve a bag from the woods !!
  7. yeah that’s the obvious downside
  8. I’m almost Tempted to say let him carry on … he’s just doing more and more damage to the Tory party and impacting any new leader bounce … almost !!
  9. They are voting to lose their jobs though … the govt has already collapsed … it’s not like nothing has happened the last few days … we’ve already seen they are quite happy to back him they are already complicit I’m sure people know that by now . The Tory’s have the way of getting rid of him through the 1922 comitee
  10. What do you think that will actually achieve ? They will surely just fall back in line and therefore just strengthen Boris position
  11. Crazyfool01


    arent those flag now used at other stage ?
  12. Good to see the accurate descriptions of the Tory party on the last few pages .
  13. I reckon you have time … Dorries will be busy saying goodbye
  14. I’d guess they have a press office that’s still functioning… about the only thing that is !!! it’s got to be Raab or May for interim … can’t see past that
  15. Get that champagne ready … failing that pots and pans on the doorstep … next few hours
  16. Only because he didn’t want to be sacked
  17. Is there a cabinet meeting today ?
  18. I reckon they should all just start accepting positions and then quit an hour or so later
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