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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Maybe it’s part of his leadership speech
  2. He’s just tearing his party to bits … let him do it
  3. It’s not about PMQs though … no killer blow but no way he can bluster his way past the mounting number of resignations… it’s going to continue now and he won’t have anyone to put into the roles .. enough damage was done without a killer blow but Starmer did well there … no Sunak statement though ? Presume they get a choice
  4. Let’s not forget how many times this guy backed Boris …
  5. No clap in parliament … I suspect Boris might have some
  6. Why can’t they clap ? They are allowed to shout and holler
  7. I hope the bbc stick with this and don’t go back to the studio
  8. Ah yeah the economy … that’s going well. !!
  9. Gobsmacked the bollocks this man spouts
  10. As he got quite a few mentions on this thread
  11. They’ll all be working out what is best for them and their political futures …
  12. All gone a bit quiet … new appointments tonight ? More to quit tomorow ?
  13. next Saqib Bhatti, Parliamentary Private Secretary to Sajid Javid Jonathan Gullis, PPS to Brandon Lewis, the Northern Ireland Secretary
  14. 1922 will throw him about before summer recess
  15. Ok maybe a was a little out on Boris departure… donation made to water aid
  16. if he doesn't get a fpn he strengthens his position
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