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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. should he stay or should he gove now ?
  2. She’s just gone in on Boris at number 10
  3. Dorries for chancellor or health ?
  4. Might tip her over the edge … Boris next dead cat
  5. Bbc news must be short on time … pretty short feature for such a big event
  6. Raab backed Boris earlier didn’t he … not that these twats don’t change their minds a few times in a few hours
  7. I recognise this might be my last ministerial job …. As he positions himself for his next one
  8. All good … just saying I’d not forgotten 🙂
  9. They’ve no hope now … this is right at the top … they’ll be more
  10. What about Gromit … they come as a pair
  11. I’m still to pay out … I’m just a few days out I know …
  12. Whoop whoop … where’s the it’s happening gif …. Fuck off boris you *unt
  13. What happens if you don’t make a payment for one of these schemes that operates already for festivals ? We seem to always have tales of woe from people that forget to pay the balance … would this happen in multiplication as you have several payments to make ? Edit … so a direct debit is set up !!
  14. Yeah we are now on the Tue so 3 days later than that ..
  15. I saw someone waving taking photos on an instant camera and waving the photos about untill they developed … there is something about having hard copies of photos … but not quite sure about this method …
  16. People have had different reactions to the same variant throughout… it’s just utterly bizarre and how it’s always been , who it hits badly and who it doesn’t .
  17. We are surely now out of the range of a direct Glastonbury positive aren’t we ? Secondary infections from family or mates that attended will be happening now ?
  18. The festival provides free lockup facilities … not sure how many others do that ?
  19. Might also be because I heard they had issues getting the internal racking /scaffold for them … I’ll try and remember where I heard this
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