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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Team love … the people who run live saves the day festival in Bristol
  2. Not going to happen I’m afraid with that area under new organisers … the arcadia team are a completely separate thing …. I’d imagine team love have been given a period of time to improve the silver Hayes area … however desolate silver Hayes might seem it probably takes at least 2/3000 minimum away from SEC and Pangea so acts as a splitter of sorts anyway
  3. That’s the reason it’s in my signature so I can remember 🙂 it’s a blur even at my age
  4. Nice … how many Glastonbury’s have you done now ?
  5. Did they appear in the first year of the park ?
  6. I’d only realised this time how much they bloody stink … not sure why I’d not realised before
  7. im not in disagreement .... to find them though it might either mean more extensive searches though ( which some might not appreciate ) .... or some kind of campaign to stop them ..... I noticed some vigorous removal of them during pet shop boys when pit security dived into the crowd to wrestle them off people on a couple of occasions
  8. Nah it’s definately covid 2 tests saying it’s covid and some symptoms … I presume it just means my immune system works and is fighting it off quickly
  9. I reckon I’ll be in the clear tomoro … positive test wed but the line has nearly gone yay 😁
  10. You and your team go for your group first . We had a watts app group and would mark them off once done . You would then go for another group that hadn’t been marked green on a spreadsheet
  11. it seemed a little rushed ... we didnt really know for sure we were getting it until quite late .... and its arrival onsite was late too ... im sure they know the setup time but that seemed like it might have been a basic that will do for this year with hopefully plans started already for 2023
  12. whats peoples thoughts on where we go from here ? spider development or something completely new ? spider seemed weirdly small after seeing the crane ... Probably because ive seen it quite a few times ... interested to get newbies thoughts on it , oh and please post photos
  13. Yes they do … they read efests for absolute definate .
  14. Crazyfool01


    Very much looks a decent spot will consider that for next year … added bonus of a sit down too 🙂
  15. Crazyfool01


    For future ref the railway line is a pretty decent place to view … you get all 3 sets of fireworks … they definately shut off one of the access points off the railway to the park by the glade although I’m sure that’s happened before … it does look way busier though
  16. Just soo happy you enjoyed yourself after all this time 🙂 see you next time I’m sure
  17. I guess it’ll be different for different people how they choose to do it … over £1000 for many for Glastonbury weekend … could be 10 gigs spaced throughout the year …. Or people might just have to stop all that fun stuff regardless . Anyway not long till oct
  18. Not long till we find out …. Not forgetting Glastonbury doesn’t just have its ticket price to pay out for …. It’s not cheap by any means …. I agree on value for money though
  19. Did you make it ? Didn’t manage to catch you ?
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