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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Shush 🤫 mums the word
  2. Talk of packets of crisps being taken on the gates by @FloorFiller please list experience here … utterly bonkers .. hope it’s dropped quickly
  3. How odd … hope I don’t need to use the I’m diabetic line … but i might well
  4. Maybe a rumour that’s started that’s not true … can’t see that personally … everyone has food sealed in some way or another
  5. Hopefully most people followed advice and made other plans if possible
  6. The early ones will get the most checks while security don’t have any pressure from gates being open
  7. Pretty standard for this time of day I’d say
  8. Not sure that’s sensible tbh …. If they are running you might q 3x … and that’s if you manage a train out of Taunton … it’s a train intersection so will be busy
  9. Kalis updates are the ones to follow for gate A movement
  10. Advice is to not stress … it’s likely to be quicker … stewards won’t ever be totally sure
  11. It’s normally 8 … did you mean 7 ?
  12. This is the lineup drops game again … I’m going 7.45
  13. Aw thanks bd .. see you for the next one 🙂 and hopefully OD will be there too
  14. From a friend who’s onsite @JayBalls
  15. Which way have you approached site ? Which carpark have you been put in … please put a time on your posts if possible … any traffic issue approaching site ? Or en route ?
  16. Aw circus how lovely … the fun starts here
  17. Crazyfool01

    Queue watch

    Which gate queue are you in ? What’s it like ? Is it moving ? All kind of stuff relating to the long awaited pedestrian queues
  18. It always seems so random … there must be a traffic management and queue management system behind it somewhere ?!!
  19. Which car parks are being filed if you approach from Glastonbury direction ?
  20. Collected my cider from work it’s sadly going to the farm without me tonight … will collect it on Thursday car run
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