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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. It’s not been worked out … even @Dukeicon has no idea
  2. Yep there sure will . Fantastic
  3. Crazyfool01


    No ! In summary it just seems to be taking forever to arrive … although earlier someone commented that it had a 4 day setup time … so we’ve still got plenty of time
  4. You can buy parking on arrival for definate
  5. Yes you can … slightly more than the posted price … if you keep an eye on here they are cropping up fairly frequently … but bare in mind the post is hit and miss
  6. You coming to the meet TD ?
  7. He’s got a decent voice though after hearing him on glasto cast
  8. The glasto thingy on Williams green ?
  9. Yep put it on there … and others … just you ? No harm in attempting anything at this stage … ultimately we have no idea what issues it might cause with trafic either 😞
  10. What’s your needs ? Maybe someone can help ?
  11. Dm me … can’t guarantee anything as it’s mates but I’ll see what I can do
  12. Are you gonna bribe him with offers of ABBA tickets … mamma Mia
  13. Ah yeah fair … I guess those drivers can’t be allocated elsewhere because the strikes have the potential for being cancelled …
  14. They can only lay on coaches where coaches and drivers are available … unfortunately it’s an issue for some reason ?!!!!
  15. Maybe I should go along … I’m sure to be picked on 😂
  16. Still not seen him either … well not knowingly at least
  17. Definately do that … it frees space for others at the same time as making your life one hell of a lot more easy
  18. Not a problem … have a great festival
  19. Yes it costs slightly more but you definately can
  20. There’s a new avatar there surely 🙂
  21. Starting my journey with a walk to the bus … pyramid hat precariously wobbling on top of my head …. Might get a taxi !!!
  22. Never have I ever made a list of things that I’ve not seen / done …. It might be too long .. that said I enjoy Glastonbury my way … with no reason to do other things as yet …. ( might do some new stuff on a whim this time )
  23. Crazyfool01


    Not really any massive shocks in terms of areas yet … maybe expecting too much and also with some budget chops it might not happen … that glade tent looks pretty decent though 🙂 … probably find some changes amongst the smaller stuff and the stuff the webcam doesn’t pick up so well
  24. I’m currently having a whole conversation…. Think that might be a bad sign
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