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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Crazyfool01

    Flash mob

    For those that participate …. I’ll quite happily be doing my own version however
  2. I can’t have light showers or I’ll short circuit 😞
  3. Crazyfool01


    Trackway has come from download previously I’m sure
  4. The coop and some ice is your friend and having a hat you can soak in water
  5. I can certainly see the momentum building for them now … also now supporting pearl jam … lower down at bst and the second album tour to be announced soon I’d guess … I managed to catch a few videos of that and just love kiwi getting in amongst the crowd
  6. It still makes some people I’ll and that will impact the festival … like it or not … if it can do one or not it’s still a reality … some bands will likely pull out …
  7. Crazyfool01

    feet meet

    Not one to be sniffed at
  8. Put the easiest and quickest tent up first … put all kit inside … then put up the other tents whilst kit remains dry …. Presuming you have more than one … if not stuff in bin bags and also use rucksack covers
  9. We have a bus ticket and our car is being dropped at the festival car parks the night before we get the bus … then a lift back to Taunton. Someone else kindly got the carpark ticket … pretty sure it won’t be an issue buying on the gate though …. Ticket or no ticket
  10. Link for tonites vm … the countdown is on … 4 more vms till the farm …. Come and say hello before we all meet for real Topic: Virtual Meet 10.06.2022 Time: Jun 10, 2022 07:00 PM London Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83719125077?pwd=R3hBT3FyNnpLdTNRN2dZY2pMSDFKZz09 Meeting ID: 837 1912 5077 Passcode: VM100622
  11. Weather folks … otherwise we get controversy …
  12. Yeah that uncertainty would be awfull … especially if it related to my job security too . Hope you and others aren’t hit too bad
  13. Most workers will be onsite by Monday
  14. The answer is that neither you nor I will have any idea how peoples thoughts might change … it might be easier than some expect … it might be worse … never seen agro at Glastonbury and don’t expect to now . I’ll just suck it up and realise people are striking for reasons above my level of annoyance . How are you impacted in terms of travel … ? Maybe if you say what your plans are someone can suggested some alternative plans for you should the worst happen
  15. I don’t suffer from anything relating to this
  16. You do know it’s likely that we will all be impacted in some way … no trains equals a lot more traffic on the roads and delays entering the festival maybe not the shit some will go through still an impact all the same
  17. I suspect it might be more popular than some of your posts over the last few days …. Judging by reactions of people on here …. And even on fb it seems to have very decent support from most Glastonbury goers …. It will obviously inconvenience many but once at the festival with a cider in hand people will talk of how they made it there … much like the many other years with trafic queues
  18. They recycle the recycle tickets ?
  19. Some decent photos on the main site … park theme ?
  20. Anything with lights works …. You can’t go wrong 😀
  21. Yep that’s what we do
  22. It’s going down when we drop the car in the carpark the night before 🙂
  23. Just from the carpark … this time it will be with our second load … bus first time so will have the essentials in load 1
  24. Bike bike trailer suit pyramid stage hat enough batteries to power pyramid stage if you don’t have these things it’s time to worry
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