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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Crazyfool01


    Well not in the morning I don’t 🙂 … get my first look at 12.05 when I get home … although I do look at this thread in the meantime for updates
  2. Crazyfool01


    Got to be 🙂 … timed it well too … tomorows my day off and I can watch this being put together
  3. I’m not actually sure … I work in Asda so haven’t been there in a while … it’s a decent sized store though so should be reasonable edit @The Nal a look online gives 22 different boxed wines ....
  4. That’s positive from you … hints of good weather 🙂
  5. You might still get oxfam places have a look on the volunteer thread and follow that for when they become available .. also hints of how to set up page change Alerts
  6. Great stuff … this must be an option for someone surely
  7. Work places still come up if that’s an option also competitions in the competition thread
  8. Crazyfool01


    The more professional ones are done under shelter … there are also ones done to an area theme but most I believe are done by the larger team and in situ … @Funkyfairy! will confirm specifics
  9. Crazyfool01


    Yep that’s correct … it’s very late on
  10. There’s probably a few meet ups going on … I’ve one for the people from efests resale spreadsheet crew that everyone is welcome to join on the wed … there’s also solo camping group that camps in Darble I believe that might help …
  11. Yep that’s it … if you’ve purchased the see tickets package or you get given them during the journey
  12. Crazyfool01


    binnies everywhere in the pyramid fields … @Funkyfairy! thanks for making the site look so beautiful amongst others
  13. is Harry Styles now ruled out of either / both slots ?
  14. Crazyfool01


    id imagine we say this most years 🙂 keep the faith it will all come together
  15. Starting to get bigger … support for Pearl Jam … 🙂
  16. Not sure there’s any buses / drivers free to step in …
  17. If you could post this on the help thread if it firms up pls
  18. We can do another in a week or so … hopefully that will show as 100% or as near as damn it …. The poll currently seems ahead of the see tickets order tracker
  19. Wind drys the ground …. No need for panic
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