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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Crazyfool01


    What was the title before o ?
  2. Any other bollocks yep … scum bollocks 😞
  3. Any chance of removing the link and talking bollocks …. That’s all they seem to do anyway
  4. Sigrid for me … I’m camped nearby so if I’m at the tent and like the sound of anything I’ll wander over 🙂
  5. I managed to avoid all 4 days of bollocks
  6. Im wondering if i need to do something to counteract having an outside tap fitted for a plant watering system to be used while im at Glastonbury ....
  7. Kidsfield definately … not sure that will help though
  8. So might not work under the pyramid ?
  9. At this rate this might beat the shit thread for number of pages
  10. I’d imagine when close the incident become obvious … but that would also be the case for locating friends … mine is pyramid.stage.hat … it should work
  11. Crazyfool01


    Maybe they didn’t put them up right in the dark
  12. Crazyfool01


    Is it really just one tractor ? I mean that’s pretty good going if it was … perhaps some of these couriers could learn from them 😀
  13. @Sawdusty surfer will be in the farm later too
  14. Currently it’s at gate a … there’s an email with further details due I think
  15. Ha ha can’t believe they missed that off … it’s in the park with a bloody great big white rabbit outside … hard to miss
  16. Yep 5 min setup for me … might take 10 for my friend who’s taking it for me … it’s a bit heavier than I’d like to have given to a friend … but it’s new and great so I’m not buying a smaller one just for 1 festival
  17. My tent has departed to my mate who is on the earlier bus …
  18. Crazyfool01


    Is that the official reason ? Thought it might be part of some cost cutting measures
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