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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. I’d imagine you paid all of those tickets off in individual transactions
  2. Might be usefull for some that are asked for directions …. I mean if they can’t find the pyramid I doubt they will be capable of watt 3 words usage
  3. Taken from elsewhere , I thought this might be of use …. I bear no responsibility for accuracy or people getting lost
  4. They don’t have the staff to do any extra checks … still recruiting security aren’t they ?
  5. It’s all fine she’s saving her voice for the big one …. Glastonbury
  6. if your are wearing a decent mask
  7. Tonight’s link Topic: Glastonbury Plans: A Virtual Meet Time: Jun 4, 2022 07:00 PM Greenwich Mean Time Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83006697211?pwd=MmdjWjZjdzMyUllXWXhucHcwd1l0Zz09 Meeting ID: 830 0669 7211 Passcode: VM040622
  8. its become more and more a thing .... they seem to have disappeared last time .... also one of the things most often broken and abandoned onsite
  9. Crazyfool01


    What’s this ? And yes I know it’s a tent
  10. Just recieved my forwarded parking pass so that’s everything now … ready to hit the fields
  11. theres onsite pharmacy that im sure you can access for emergencies like that .... I do also keep spares though
  12. Don’t know how I missed this … what a lovely post
  13. looks a bit damp on the webcam
  14. Found my frio wallets to keep my insulin cool … I’ve been looking for these for the last 3 weeks
  15. Topic: The Platty Meet: A Celebration of a Close Glastonbury Time: Jun 3, 2022 07:00 PM Greenwich Mean Time Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88346182683?pwd=VjM3V0dVeFhRQzVuS1VoUjdLaXVIUT09 Meeting ID: 883 4618 2683 Passcode: VM030622
  16. Virtual meet tonight … come along and join in the glastonbury warm up chat … hopefully we will have someone live from the farm this eve …. Along with someone busy crafting a table ready for you all to sit at in the croissant Neuf …. Everyone welcome as ever … starts at 7 link to follow … much for fun than watching the jubilee on the TV
  17. I actually got mine in the resale 🙂 cheers it’s a weird feeling not knowing … perhaps that feeling is more the issue than covid … I also play badminton with a diabetes consultant who has also reassured me … it is what it is I guess …
  18. Maybe also post a watt 3 words location on here ? … more accurate than saying name of bar ?
  19. Oh absolutely and I’ve done indoor gigs and festivals since this started … might throw myself in anyways … who knows … just not quite there yet … still some nerves as to how I’ll fare with it … will mostly be forgotten when I’ve had a drink or two I expect
  20. I’ll be testing pre and post festival … I’ve not had it and I have vulnerabilities (type 1 diabetes ) I do realise that many people have moved on and are past this concerning them … from my point of view I haven’t quite yet although it’s getting better and Glastonbury is part of that recovery process ( mentally ) I know The chance is a lot higher but other than locking myself away forever what can I do ? There will be others who are nervous too … covid didn’t exist when many booked tickets … hope the jabs do their job and I’m not I’ll during the festival as I can’t think of anything worse
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