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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. They’ve drawn a line somewhere 🙂
  2. It’s where @Wellyboot hangs out … enough said 🙂
  3. Cliff is already booked for singing shit songs at Wimbledon annually
  4. I’m dissapointed you aren’t stood by your bed …
  5. Yeah my best mate has also been to 20 + and says the only time he’s seen them mime was top of the pops in the 80s when just about everyone was doing the same
  6. No but I’m sure you need advice on how to troll much better 🙂
  7. @Neil are you still confident on tomorow? I’ll be well away from my bed but I’ll try and replicate standing by it in some manner
  8. Yep that’s pretty much only option unless you get the bus to shepton yourself … the luggage limit is a tent , one hand luggage and one rucksack , the rest won’t get loaded untill after everything else is my understanding and there is a chance it will remain on the roadside …
  9. Not yet … although they have been solar charged 🙂
  10. Going through my battery packs …I think I’ve got enough … especially as the plan is to reduce need for them this year
  11. Crazyfool01


    I would imagine with camping space at a premium this has been slowly phased out … however this year might be interesting as they might have quite a bit of surplus wood from the Dutch elm disease that has hit the farm …
  12. Although mine will be collected on the bus … one of my worries has been awaiting my friends resale tickets being forwarded on and arriving … thanks to @Seldom Seen Kid they are safely in the hands of my friends along with weirdly a camper ticket which I thought would go direct to them as it was a separate purchase … just need my carpark ticket now which @Wellyboot will be sending on once hers arrive and I can relax and stress about the weather instead
  13. I hope that still contains some washing liquid … otherwise I’d recommend a trip to the doctor
  14. Crazyfool01


    I guess the bulk of visually significant stuff is up now .... obviously lots of tents still to arrive but lots of stuff going on that wont be quite so visible to the webcam watchers ...
  15. its gonna vary massively internationals and workers obviously .... the bulk of the bin painters arrive between wed and sat this week ... so they'll all be frantically throwing a months worth of stuff into their bags .... caravaners a day earlier too ...
  16. Crazyfool01


    was just wondering about that ... site seems to be quite quiet so far today .... couple of high vis on pyramid .... and a lorry heading in from red gate down near the old JP location
  17. sunshine and light cloud in Sunmerset today ..... 1 more day ticks by .... 24 days ...
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