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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. It’s only a loss to those that planned on seeing her if that makes sense … for me it’s not a loss … sad yep but I’d have been elsewhere anyway … hopefully she’ll get her chance another time … they pretty well do this for people that pull out due to illness and that will fill that gap the next time
  2. Some will some won’t … put in another big name some might notice less … that’s the beauty of it …. It’s one name among 1000s of course some may be dissapointed …. But others will be happy to see someone else fill that slot that they prefer to see … just how things go …
  3. If there’s a pattern and they go another 10 years neil tennant will be 82 … of course they might not #thereisnopattern
  4. Every weekend now until the festival now 🙂
  5. There is no way it won’t be tomoro now surely ?!!
  6. Is he reading efests ? If not why not
  7. Almost like we have a festival to celebrate 🙂 hype train 🙂
  8. Todays weather would be perfect
  9. Crazyfool01


    Intrigued on the spider as to wether we get any extra stuff along with it … not that it’s not amazing anyway …. If we do it might be this week
  10. Welcome and enjoy the hype of the next month … it’s gonna be such fun 🤩
  11. I’ll be there 100 % 🙂 gonna be such fun …. They play every 10 years (Obs this one is delayed ) might well be the last chance to see them on the farm
  12. Packed house … 14 on … come and join us
  13. When does the app arrive ? Similar time to lineup isn’t it ?
  14. So campers first there wont be a Huge number and they’ve continued into general admission … is there anyone with a camper that hasn’t had them dispatched ?
  15. see you all at 7 🙂
  16. Reckon they did the caravans first
  17. Not a jot … not even a reply to my tweet … pretty dissapointed … I know it’s on its way but really want it to help the plans be put into action 😞
  18. Showhawk duo I’d guess
  19. Crazyfool01


    ive been slack last few days .... apologies all must sort out my webcam watching .... just the coop or anything else significant happened ? i cant see anything ?
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