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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Link for tomorows virtual meet / glastonbury warm up Topic: The Excitement Mill: A Glastonbury Countdown Time: May 21, 2022 07:00 PM Greenwich Mean Time Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81612860216?pwd=UzBkRGRtQ0lZbFlHcHFjUXBoYmJNUT09 Meeting ID: 816 1286 0216 Passcode: VM210522
  2. its so small ive not spotted its there .....
  3. hes not frank lampard is he ? 🙂
  4. maybe it wasnt a one off then 🙂
  5. located in the dance village i think .... might have been a one off
  6. I saw it but never went in … what was the capacity ? Any ideas ? Quite a few years ago that … might even have been my first one
  7. rumour is the 24th may .... we will find out then how accurate that info is
  8. Crazyfool01


    More trackway going down in the field behind coop
  9. they are pretty responsive on twitter one of the best customer service teams I’ve found of late …
  10. see coop thread .... ive just had a bit of info back from them ... but more detail will follow
  11. seems a good shout .... presses f5
  12. So the seetickets updates before the email gets sent yeah ?
  13. Might just go in there for a dance … I love a good disco ball 🙂
  14. I’d imagine Stronger reusable non plastic ones ?
  15. At least it’s gonna be clean …. I hope 🙂
  16. Is there much to the annecdotal evidence that resale gets you a later coach ?
  17. Yeah that late departure up north is an absolute pain …. Fortunately the later one for me is 2ish and I’m an hour or so away …. Makes quite a difference to some
  18. I’m excited to see you’re excited about the emails … and excited to get mine of course … gives some decent structure to the build up and I’m leaving from my home town … 15mins walk away
  19. its currently on a piece of paper on my table ... ive added you already 🙂
  20. Just saw post I’ll add you to list
  21. Have you explored work options ? Last thing I heard oxfam were taking on stewards …. There is also a very active completion page on the front page of the Glastonbury forum which is always worth a try … good luck and welcome
  22. Item 1 on the agenda … which rum to chose 🙂
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