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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. matches with this for those that haven't seen it
  2. my friends got stuck outside ... and were unable to get back in for several hours .... cant think why they didnt try another gate though .....
  3. Crazyfool01


    they worked last weekend so cant see them stopping now till its finished
  4. i think @joeltg has volunteered ... sometimes i think its best just to decide a venue and go from there .... maybe a poll on what day .... too many variables make the organisation harder
  5. ah yeah thats past its cut off now .... ill see if i can get a winners list still
  6. just watching this classic glastonbury mud video ? anyone got stuck ? post those mud photos and vids below ?
  7. If you don’t like him already here’s a good reason to … fuck Boris yeah 🙂
  8. Matt 42 would be in his element
  9. Crazyfool01


    No windows here but that would be amazing
  10. Ok thanks … the wait might go on or I’ll give these guys some research
  11. I’m gonna have a new hairstyle with maybe some colours in it … hopefully I’ll be fine
  12. Crazyfool01


    That’s the one … amazing Thankyou …
  13. Was @dondo thinking of doing this ?
  14. Most I just recieved through watts app
  15. Crazyfool01


    Neither but I’ll use them Till I get the time to search back though … thanks guys
  16. Crazyfool01


    lets hope the fog clears !!!!!! has anyone got that Panamax link that appears as a white sky then you can move it about ... not the one that shows a long strip which you then zoom in on .... I shut everything down yesterday and lost it sadly
  17. not much of agin fan but id personally buy the mixer onsite ... especially those with aa bus ticket
  18. Park is the one for me …. I’ve not seen much up there … and would love to … a Friday headliner would be good
  19. Positive vibes …. They’ll be something
  20. Great stuff hope that gets someone in 🙂
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