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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Thanks 🙂 …. Soon ….
  2. Hmm likewise … I’m not gonna cloud your judgement by saying how things compare
  3. Ah fantastic that’s helpful … I’d plan on having one of those anyway … although it’ll probably go in the lockups
  4. Waiting patiently for quite a few imported delivery’s that have been delayed I’ve got a hat plan but don’t know if it’ll happen yet
  5. Crazyfool01


    Checks out window here and the sun is starting to break through
  6. A review would be interesting to see if it fits with my thoughts
  7. Do I need any other ID to get it … I was hoping not to take any …
  8. I swear I sadly lost an old registration…. Maybe I deleted it instead … duh
  9. Didn’t they say that registrations now get deleted after 10 years ?
  10. Sculpture that’s there all year round … if it’s not greenpeace it’s just off the railway
  11. What’s the wooden one in greenpeace field. called …. ?
  12. Must be reading this thread … they just tweeted
  13. Coop stocking alcohol would be game changing sadly a thing of dreams with bars inside the fence
  14. The patterns just got too pattern like so there has been a rebellion against patterns at Glasto hq
  15. Crazyfool01


    @Sawdusty surfer might have some idea …
  16. Yeah think so … I had a mild panic as tickets weren’t showing in my account … didn’t realise I needed to put the info in the order tracker for them to show up
  17. I’m fortunate I’ve got access to a walk in freezer so everything will be frozen solid in one lump of ice including my cider
  18. Fatboy won’t be slim if he’s in there too long
  19. anyone ever done sherparing at worthy view ? a colleague is doing this and the shifts seem decent plus tips ?
  20. Ali express ?maybe but watch those delivery times
  21. unknown at this point previously you couldn't drive up to it .... so somehow id prepare for that
  22. It was kind of tongue in cheek … but also thought I’d seen it take place elsewhere …. Didn’t realise they played at Glastonbury though
  23. Thanks neil appreciate this thread
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