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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. happy times at Pangea .... sad to see her depart us so suddenly
  2. Crazyfool01


    so down to the last remnants now .... spider arrival next week or maybe slightly too early ?
  3. Vm tomorow Friday for those available … looking forward to sat real life one … and not long till we see each other in those fields 🙂 as always everyone welcome
  4. Did you not select a time ? Would show on your confirmation email I would imagine
  5. Close like brothers ?
  6. Meeting any one of you that gave up your time to help me on Tday … see efest meet 🙂
  7. Crazyfool01


    That’s when they take lunch 🥗
  8. Scrap that must learn to read
  9. Bristol Taunton or bath departure ?
  10. I wonder how many people would prefer a later coach ? I guess for some getting to departure point is an issue … I’m fortunate that it’s 15 mins walk away max and I’m used to getting up at 5am
  11. It comes off behind the green peace field …. Head past the fake tree and into the corner of that field
  12. Crazyfool01


    I wonder if that tree blocking the view of the pier build might develop dutch elm before the next festival ..... bit of crane action lifting something into place there ....
  13. not a question ... but if anyone needs any festival related type 1 advice ... please DM me or post here .... Ive done several so might be able to help ....
  14. yeah i agree .... just impulsive at the time .... and why it only happened the one time .... just frustrated me more than it did any good
  15. anyone make subtle / unsubtle comments to any of the blue sheet pissers ? i did once last time but mostly bite my tongue
  16. my bargain shower not coming till 24th june according to email today ..... damn 😞 will use it next year instead
  17. Crazyfool01


    where's that trailer gone ?
  18. @Neil please delete this thread @Suprefan got in 1st
  19. Crazyfool01


    looking at fence progress we should get them meeting tomorrow or sat .... that Park stage is a little behind previous so needs a bit of a push ... although id imagine thats because of the number of cranes they have on site
  20. Crazyfool01


    Must have been a few torches involved too … cut apart by one of the things she was famed for 🔥
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