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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Crazyfool01


    She’s got to be going today then ….
  2. Half hour tops … unless we get traffic chaos of 2016
  3. Crazyfool01


    Gone by tomoro I reckon 🙂 I had a quick check In to see if she remained there lying in state this morning
  4. Kidsfield followed by park tomorrow just to confirm the pattern
  5. The number of people using cards will reduce the already quite short qs for cash points …. I think there is a small charge usually to use them ?
  6. Finding a venue that upwards of 20 people find meets everyone’s needs is never going to happen …. We’ve listed 2 and as said above football for those that choose to watch it is a tiny proportion of the day … evening/ late afternoon venue is accessible provides food and isn’t a massive distance from the gig …. So that’s where we are . Should be a great day and eve
  7. Fantastic news …. Looked like the chances were decent on that comp 🙂
  8. Crazyfool01


    I agree … you can just about make out the site with no help but binoculars would definately help
  9. Crazyfool01


    I wonder if the body will be removed under the cover of darkness
  10. There are at least 6 off the top of my head
  11. That glade stage would be almost impossible to close off given the openness and multiple access points
  12. cinemacarmaggedon ? that had fatboy previously ? has that been considered for any of the bigger names to split crowds
  13. i saw somewhere or heard it was doing the old switcheroo again ... not quite sure why they can't make there mind up one this
  14. the spike is the best BAR bar none as long as I don't get Barred im happy its barmy to think otherwise
  15. would that be the same for DJs ? what are we talking about in terms of a licence change ? something that we would have already noticed going in ? obviously we already get some stuff on the Thursday .... what makes the other stages different ?
  16. Crazyfool01


    starting to clear up in Taunton now ..... I think that matches the forecast so a dry and less cloudy brighter view in prospect
  17. the urinal provision doesnt seem to have increased to match the increased number of punters over the 20 or so years ive been going ..... however the general toilet provision is loads better ....
  18. Crazyfool01


    that looks like they are breaking her up and moving her parts to what looks like a skip at the side of the field
  19. I’ve heard budgets have been cut from quite a few different people
  20. Must have turned off notifications accidentally … thanks
  21. Did people get a tweet alert for this ? I’ve had nothing ? Or was it not a festival announcement ?
  22. people accessing site are asked to sign a confidentiality agreement I think .... and definately not supposed to give away any secrets ...
  23. Crazyfool01


    a fence has now gone round the body .... im expecting white lines in the outline of a crane next .... what a brutal day on the farm
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