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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Efests at its best πŸ™‚ great effort from all who contributed πŸ™‚
  2. Daft Punk 100Depeche Mode 97The Strokes 39Led Zeppelin 40 Elton John 80 Rage Against the Machine 110 Pearl Jam 104 Talking Heads 92Kate Bush 80 Taylor Swift 85 +10 Nick Cave 95 Dua Lipa 75 The Jam 65
  3. @Neil is posting it soon I believe πŸ™‚
  4. Yes yes yes .., this is absolutely the way to do it … free bicycle storage at the lockups too
  5. Crumbs seriously any need for that chap … was having a laugh … apologies if I offended
  6. thats pretty much the one I have but a newer model .... very easy setup .... just peg and then pump up the airbeams .... love it ...
  7. good plan ... theres plenty there to share πŸ™‚
  8. done ... good luck .....
  9. just ordered some uv tattoos ... ive got a small uv torch already https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B082SGX9HT/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  10. just under 1kg and knee height https://www.decathlon.co.uk/p/air-tent-double-action-hand-pump/_/R-p-3425?mc=8243066
  11. 15 years of going through gate a twice .... 1 cursory search ...
  12. can you imagine the privacy invasion too .... far worse than any blurry webcam πŸ™‚
  13. Crazyfool01


    did you not notice someone running past you ? that distracted by your visit ? πŸ™‚
  14. are you lost ? you've found another game to play now πŸ™‚
  15. they only found needles in mine ..... for insulin
  16. I think the its on factor will be getting the bus times through .... all the major planning can then commence in ernest
  17. they had built this bridge like structure on a couple of containers I think as you came in from the carparks ... im sure they had a dog there but it was just lying in the shade ...
  18. id love the owners of these accounts to own up ... and say what their efest usernames are πŸ™‚
  19. thats true ... we could use him for target practise though πŸ™‚
  20. They’ve obviously been reading here … but 4 new performance peices ? And the date is referring to 2020
  21. They are trained to sniff for whatever is required …. At that time there was an issue following the Ariana Grande concert … and it was very much in focus … they asked all bags to be labelled and we were told to expect more searches at the gates and delays getting in … in fact it’s the only time my bags have ever been looked in …
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