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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Yeah 🙂 … might go for the slimmed down version at times 🙂
  2. Crazyfool01

    Club Covid

    Yes and I’ll be doing the same with my workplace … who say you should come to work even if positive after day 5 …. So in the run up to the fest I will do my upmost to avoid getting it … and I will wear my N95 on the coach …
  3. I think I knew it was the killers at the start of the festival from posts on here …. But had confirmation on the day as the killers tour bus pulled up alongside my friends people carrier 😂
  4. Alcohol rules me out 😂
  5. Some pyramid hat updates , internals and screen edging done
  6. Crazyfool01


    either that or chuck some extra labour at it ....it would also be easier second time around i would guess ...
  7. Crazyfool01

    Club Covid

    And workplaces encouraging people to work with it now …. Shocker … I’m still free of it but not sure how long after my gig last night and being surrounded by positive cases at work
  8. I was talking to a girl who fits this last night …. You might know her 😉
  9. I think it’s a wed … or I’ve had too many already
  10. Tonight is my first night out this year .... so hopefully some prep ready for Glastonbury .... definately a start in getting used to being around people once more ....
  11. I’d have a small reserve of cash just in case … cards should work fine
  12. Fresh and black is the obvious answer … failing that space blankets and clothes pegs
  13. Tbh I think it was mentioned a few times on various threads … so Matt wasn’t really in the know about it … I think most of us knew …
  14. so this year will be 15 for me ... I look at some of the other posters on this Thread and dont consider myself one .... despite me saying over 8 would be a veteran ... pails into insignificance when the likes of glastoworker post
  15. He said very different on sat vm … but I can’t remember what though
  16. Trolling the trollers nice work 🙂
  17. yep .... im sure that post wont remain for much longer .... it wont let me view it ... so im not sure if ive been blocked or its been taken down
  18. Confirmed as not legitimate ... dont touch with a barge pole
  19. Crazyfool01


    If it’s silage you will be running up that hill for shit … reckon it’s got to be worth more than a pint … edit forget that got silage and slurry mixed up duh 🙄
  20. I’ve gone 8 … but do you also need to be over a certain age ?
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