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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. for me the glade wasnt mentioned just those stages within silver hayes .... and that was quite a while ago .... they may have sorted the issues out since
  2. booked to see a podiatrist to have my gait examined and see if they can sort my plantar fasciitis ... might be able to walk at the festival without having foot pain .... they are will make me up some insoles which will hopefully help
  3. yeah those are the most creative stages for sure
  4. id heard similar ref silver hayes ..... but more around the availability of crew to do the build ? lack of blues / gully
  5. Mistaken identity but I’m sure we have someone on here that’s dressed as spam before ?
  6. At least it’s not Air D and V
  7. This was recommended to me by @March Hare used it at beautifull days at it was very good
  8. Yeah traffic management wouldn’t be great … I remember when they had a drop off and collect somewhere up near gate A … now shifted to bath and west though presume that caused issues and that’s why it went …
  9. It’s a big outlay if they only do it once … they barely finished it … I think it will be back but I’ve seen nothing about that blue tented sea that they spoke of
  10. Could they do some kind of drive through pickup option …. Still a bloody pain though 😞
  11. The 12 not ideal … but I’d imagine that one avoids the traffic so wouldn’t be the end of the world
  12. Yep there are quite a few guest houses along that road … it’s the closest location of accommodation to the bus drop off …
  13. Nice one @Miyn and thanks for the help from both of you 🙂
  14. Other option is sealskinz waterproof socks … I swear by them
  15. Crazyfool01


    Use a lenor bottle … simples
  16. Depends on how much you can take the cold but that would be fine for me … especially in a crowd … but then I’m happy to work in a freezer in a tshirt for short periods of time
  17. Perfect … just ordered ringo and George too … thanks … I’d looked everywhere and forgot about etsy
  18. Yeah Paul McCartney is without his hair so somehow I need to track down lego hair similar to his
  19. They were asking for ideas at one point if I remember rightly … I actually quite liked it … but I think the height of it possibly didn’t give the same close feel as the spider …
  20. Today I’ve been polishing my helmet …. Also purchased my lenor bottle
  21. FML 100 bloody per cent and me there 100 bloody per cent
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