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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Crazyfool01


    @deebeedoobee have you seen any heavy plant around site ? Maybe somewhere around Pangea ?
  2. Hearing rumblings that Pangea might go and the spider returns …. Posted elsewhere but probably of interest on this thread too
  3. I’ve just heard that the crane will be replaced by the spider this year …
  4. I quite like the persistence thing , but that timer once you are through is an absolute mare , especially with all the adrenaline of tday
  5. I’m hoping for a slight change to the ticketing system which gives us at least an extra min to confirm our payment in the app … having completed this with seconds to spare before the time out last sale
  6. I’ll have an 8am alarm set … but the reality is I’ll be awake from 5
  7. Look great … wonder what the extra cost might be …
  8. Yeah that’s a pain … but I reckon it will be on the next tour … they seem to alternate cities . For just over £10 you can’t really beat this kind of energy
  9. Have I added you to watts app group ? If not please dm me .. I’ve lost track
  10. A few still to put up
  11. Seems to be all the rage at the football these days
  12. dont think this works .... i did think about it
  13. mallets was tough enough .... but ive handed this one over to my friend ..... I think looking at terms its only one entry per phone number ?
  14. Crazyfool01


    It is but that is a stock image … the cam is bust
  15. Crazyfool01


    In the absence of the webcam … the woods has thinned because of ash dieback
  16. Virtual meet night … see you all from 7
  17. If you’ve seen the spreadsheet feel free to help anyone you want to on the form… get some kind of contact number via dm as if you get through the group will need to be marked as done , we all help till we are all there is the ultimate aim
  18. When I was on there last time I could see @vintagelaureate doing some updates … so I presume it will update without the need to refresh
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