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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Not yet … I’ve not enough time to do a new one for this year but that will change … flat out with other jobs
  2. Performed some updates on my resale computer … and put the webcam back on the home screen
  3. Just outside the JP , hopefully similar this year depending on resale and arrival times .. best toilets onsite nearby , pretty central as I like to return to stock up supplies and change into evening wear 🙂
  4. Think I’ve added everyone so far … PM me if you haven’t been added
  5. Take it to hobo jones and you’ll get targeted by a beach ball onslaught … I learnt that to my cost 🤣
  6. I normally take £200 ish cash and use the LOCKUPS as a safety deposit box … but this year I’ll probably leave less in there and use my contactless … also leave the card in there along with my house and car keys … these things are bloody amazing … they don’t loose things or have them stolen … simple … use the bloody lockups everyone …
  7. No worse than usual … what’s good for some isn’t so good for others that’s how things work …. I do agree with those missing slots though … seems like something is held back …. Prodigy at a big push … but more likely to be FBS … and the Eavi being loyal to that booking as he has been to them over many years
  8. For people that haven’t expressed any preference I will allocate helpers from top to bottom of the spreadsheet.. in order they have come forward
  9. I won’t allocate you a group … you can just decide as you like and thanks
  10. Maybe ask neil to pin it for a few hours over Sale times ..
  11. 4 in the main , 2 in the bus … probably rather than allocate you a group you choose one that hasn’t gone green on the spreadsheet at the point you’ve sorted your group … The allocation i think is better for initial helpers so we can spread those across groups
  12. Behave 🙂 this thread is so we can split the help … you can’t bribe everyone 😂
  13. absolutely spot on ... some things might hopefully change after bus sale ... and my friend hadn't changed his postcode ... so if you could just double check you have the correct one 🙂 thanks 🙂
  14. I’m gathering a list of people who are happy to be allocated to Groups on the spreadsheet to help please list below what sale you are available to help with and for how many people … and we can divide people up fairly amongst the spreadsheet . If you have previously committed help to anyone please continue to help those people … but hopefully prepare some backup options if your group is successfull . Thanks in advance …
  15. @yehbutnobut @chemica @plot2pot @Barnabybear @glastogirl88 @thefudgefactory @mickthevoice @danssol @Boris I’m setting up a watts app group for the resale .., please pm me contact details if you wish to be included … no problem if you don’t … you’ll still remain on the spreadsheet … and if I’ve not tagged you I likely have your number already but feel free to Dm me anyway … 2 weeks untill first sale 🙂
  16. Crazyfool01


    Is worthy farm one hour ahead ?
  17. The Ribbon Tower just wasn’t practical so it will likely be the trusted Pyramid stage … might need a bit of modification after the sale as it was preped for the 50th …. Although maybe I’ll keep it like that . Pyramid stage hat meets Pyramid stage vs Lewis Capaldi https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-48802715.amp
  18. I’m going to run Some ideas past @vintagelaureatelater and will likely set up an unallocated helpers thread later ..
  19. Unfortunately version 1 is now closed but I think there is a version 2 that might be appearing if you look back a page or. 2
  20. on the other bit what were you thinking ? I think its hard for admins to decide who helps who .... but id hope that people will help those who require bus tickets if they dont themselves . If people get the bus tickets they will be available on Sunday to help the people who remain for the main sale .... the more we get knocked off that require bus tickets the more help available on the sunday
  21. That’s what I was initially thinking about posting … but I’m not actually sure … would the refund not need to be requested by the ticket holder rather than the card holder ?
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