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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. can we all be given a large hat , chair and picnic blanket on entry to the farm
  2. I think you are bath and west is at least 3km from site
  3. There is of course the possibility that the pass out might be scrapped this year isnt there ? if they use those new wristbands ?
  4. There is no longer campervan west … it’s campervan east or bath and west … if you have campervan east they can do exactly as you say but be warned the queues can get quite long early in the morning before gates open … don’t think dairy will fill too fast though so shouldn’t be a problem finding space
  5. Keep the faith on those campervan passes … they aren’t quite so hard to get as is made out … first lot will be available after main resale on the Sunday … and often the appear in small batches up to the event
  6. Crazyfool01

    ukraine appeal

    If anyone watched tonites one show one of the efesters was involved in taking some supplies from Northampton to a field hospital in Ukraine … @Neil you know him well … watch it back on catch up @Pinrut you are a legend
  7. Suggest you both share contact details at this point and make sure you’ve worked out payment … that’s why the spreadsheet was closed so we can be as sure as we can security wise
  8. They will be there but not in croissant Neuf I’ve heard … maybe big enough for Williams green ?
  9. Yet another reminder … 1 hour before balance payments close
  10. Stoked for you Circus … 🙂
  11. Crazyfool01

    Resale Odds

    And this is based on a poll of people that follow glastonbury twitter accounts and possibly not totally casual people …
  12. Crazyfool01


    If you see this thread bumped it’s likely to be me and more in hope than anything else … if someone else has bumped it you might be in luck
  13. Not the 6pm Glastonbury I hoped for but wasn’t expecting… new album though
  14. Crazyfool01

    Resale Odds

    I think the odds are better than that … but great bit of work though …
  15. Scrap that … see above
  16. So the question is … who hasn’t had special guests ? 😂
  17. Yeah I’m afraid we’ve closed it … but there might be another one cropping up if you scroll back a page or 2
  18. Yeah I’m wondering that myself … think my camping mat wasn’t suitable I could feel the bars across my back .. it got ditched after 1 night
  19. Years and years with pet shop boys or reverse is surely locked in
  20. That’s the bridge we cross when we get there … for now it’s positive thoughts up till the sale , and preparation … yesterday I programmed my computer with the first 5 groups on the spreadsheet with short codes to enable the resale to be as quick as possible … will do some more later …
  21. No no no it pisses me off too and I’m quite happy to chop some of the tape in passing … just the comparison with putin was a little strong 🙂
  22. Quite a few reminder tweets and posts to pay the balance … can’t remember this being the case previously… keep the faith team … we will get to the farm
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