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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. I’ve shared … I’m not quite mendip but good luck
  2. Crazyfool01


    Once you pop (your Glasto cherry ) you can’t stop
  3. Great stuff thanks ... that may help logistics somewhat given Im fairly local 🙂
  4. That looks a good one ... similar to the bike trailer in appearance and ground clearance minus the bike obviously 🙂
  5. unfortunately due to medical stuff I need to take some extra stuff to others ... that said of course I will limit where I can
  6. its an absolute minefield ... but im giving the coach a go ... but unable to carry heavy stuff on my back so its going to be a logistical challenge .... they sell carpark tickets at the entry to the carparks dont they ?
  7. hes been on my pyramid hat in lego for a few years now . I think since he was originally announced
  8. I was going to ask if there was anything about that ? was that in the email or on the website ? I mean its likely not to be needed but might put some off
  9. That used to be a tradition for me .. maybe that’s the reason I failed last time .. and the shakes aren’t nerves
  10. 1 month to get our shit together team 🙂 and it’s just been mentioned that the clocks change that weekend
  11. Vintage was reading the ticket page yesterday so it’s a recent update 🙂
  12. There’s been loads on the news today from up north on the weather not a single mention of London
  13. similar story for me ... im usually the one that gets in and shakes will I enter the details minus the IT background ... hopefully with a well organised team we should be turning a large proportion of that spreadsheet green
  14. What advice do you need ? At this point I would be exchanging contact details .. maybe setting up a watts app group with all your group ready for T day …. Making sure you have decided between you how payment is going to work … I think one person per group is likely to be an admin and will be responsible for contacting head office to let them know tickets have been purchased for that group … the main thing is to be as comfortable with your team as possible . In terms of once you are successfull you will hopefully try for the groups either side of you on the spreadsheet
  15. It’s a Doja can’t for me
  16. Bloody superb that … in fact fabulous might be a better description
  17. It will be before or during … just a nudge to get people to pay off balances it’s just logical … Emily’s said March … why do it after ?
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