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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. 4 tet Calvin Harris Chemical brothers Chase and status Annie mac @JoeyT mentioned a couple of others I think
  2. Were you trying for bus ? I can’t remember … oh and welcome back 🙂
  3. That’s a fair point … how is the MET chief appointed ? Is it by some kind of panel ?
  4. See who we get now … might be an opportunity for the new boss to thoroughly investigate party’s and the METs part in covering them up depending on timescales
  5. Fair comment and I’m also probably equally as guilty tbh so happily I’ll hold my hands up .. finding a difference between politics and covid is quite tough at the moment when quite a lot directly relates back to it ..
  6. Many of them tie in with what we’ve had elsewhere .. I’d put money on them being correct at the time of posting and with djs I’d imagine the chances of any disruption/ pull outs would be lower than some of the full tour setups
  7. There is already a politics thread that exists in sub forums isn’t there ?
  8. Yeah it’s just we are pretty close to an actual festival happening … and the build up is bloody good fun
  9. Agree but the better side of the forum is around the excitement and build up to a bloody amazing festival … hands up some of the discussion today raised a topic that also caused a bit of disagreement but some threads get moved because there are other places on the forum more suitable … This thread provokes strong feeling and maybe that’s not showing the better side of this forum to new people joining .
  10. As long as we can discuss politics related covid stuff on there 😂
  11. Yep I agree @Neil do you think it’s a good time ?
  12. Everyone will get an email reminder tbf … so it should be all good providing that money is waiting to pay the balance
  13. Which is fundementally where it is ? And I agree … although todays discussion was covid related it remained on topic for politics . And we will all have different opinions on where that line should be drawn
  14. Sometimes threads go off topic on every area of the forum … things also go back on topic too … I’ve also said similar you are correct . But the discussion was about a very clear political decision … sometimes you need to concede you won’t like everything that’s posted … but give it time we will be slating the bloody mess this government have created .
  15. Will see .. I’m cutting down my testing slightly anyway … 5 months till June ..
  16. I’m out now but have a think about this Tom
  17. Will see . Things may change .. can’t answer that one for definate
  18. I’ve been talking about a political decision by Boris … sometimes there is a cross over or can you not see that ? Nowt heated from any of us … I’m sat with feet up with my cocoa
  19. Hopefully all this stuff about Boris manages to keep cutting through
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