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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. Just heard my pay rise is to go up to £9.66 per hour … I wonder how many on this thread could live on that ? With the cost of living crisis plus the illness policy’s .. I’ve been lucky in terms of help from parents but I pity those that haven’t
  2. Presumption based on the fact as a type 1 diabetic there is much less chance of me being asymptomatic… and yes there is a low chance I’ve actually had it yes but the likelihood is I haven’t given my risk level . Being I’ll for me also means massively increased blood sugars …
  3. So far I and all my friends have avoided it through the stupidly high infection levels … maybe I’ve we’ve all been very lucky … maybe I’ll get a later version , who knows but govt policy isn’t designed to help us / me in any way
  4. 5 million unvaccinated ( their choice Obs ) and we have a policy that’s by way of design out to infect them and imunocompromised .. that’s another risk to save Boris skin
  5. Jabbed still means I’ll and unable to work for many with covid
  6. It all helps us continue with our go to work when not well poilicy that we’ve always had in the U.K. .. if the person that has it is asymptomatic they will just give it to someone else who consequently is I’ll from it .. great if you are fit and well but not so great if you are someone imunocompromised who has to work to pay the ever rising bills . We should be supporting people to stay off work when I’ll rather than the opposite .. it means my workplace will return to not paying the first 2 days of sickness and force those who are already poorly paid back
  7. strangely enough I didnt know this was an issue and neither does my local paper or google when I search for it .... She's going to be getting an email later ... but she always backs Boris
  8. So the mentions of Kier aren’t to get a rise then ? 🤣
  9. No but again it adds to all the evidence and is a visual sign … keeps the discussion going and is a visual sign of the PM having a piss up whilst people were unable to see family and friends
  10. I actually made a post of FB that people shouldn’t forget this shit ..when it comes to elections … I haven’t got so many Tory friends but the power of social media influences people massively
  11. Fishing Barry ? I mean surely you don’t actually think this
  12. My bloody MP telling us that it’s not top of her constituents agenda … I think she needs a reminder that it is amongst my friends and colleagues … how bloody dare she ffs 😡😡😡😡
  13. Seems like a pattern before pmqs becoming very clear now
  14. Yep exactly what I just thought as the news broke
  15. A poor reflection of this government
  16. Someone’s been on that cider brandy early before hitting the social media posts today 😂
  17. It’s not been published yet vintage is just finishing it off …
  18. coldplay ? alternative rock ? really ?
  19. Can I turn off before it starts … this is like tempt me in and then punch me
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