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Everything posted by Crazyfool01

  1. im sure there will be tweets to go along with it at some later point
  2. Crazyfool01


    I agree but dont think Mrs Griffiths wants it in the background of all these wedding photos ...
  3. yeah very much ... a lady at badminton last night was very much in the move on and poor Boris camp hes working hard .... meanwhile 2 colleagues and staunch Tories wont be voting Tory while hes still PM ... and said his display in the HOC was embarrassing
  4. I do wonder if there is a point that the poll deficit becomes too much of an issue and it forces their hand .... I guess its more likely that we wait until local elections .... but acting now would save them going any lower ... ( if thats possible ) there must be some kind of threshold
  5. Crazyfool01


    No idea 🤷🏻‍♀️ what you are talking about and why my daily emails might be blocked 😂
  6. Crazyfool01


    Cheers 🙂 will try that one too
  7. Nice little festival … beautiful days .. if anyone needs a stop off 45mins from site en route give me a shout 🙂
  8. Crazyfool01


    Just tried the contact form on a few devices and getting this error message
  9. Just on this thread .. initially I did it via dm as early on neil wasn’t aware .. although he fairly quickly found out 😂
  10. sunniest January on record ...
  11. Crazyfool01


    I’ll get onto it this afternoon
  12. Thanks although this was down to many people donating to the cause … we managed to total £1360 in the end with a final push once it was published on the forum
  13. Crazyfool01


    What email adress did you use ? Perhaps a combined pressure might speed things up a little …
  14. Yes … absolutely hence my comments of the wording of any report now not being relevant
  15. nah it matters little now in my opinion its all pretty obvious
  16. lets face it an update isnt gonna help him .... theres too much in this
  17. I think its the same 🙂 .... with an extra hour for the paperwork to be signed and completed for the spreadsheet ... actually think that happens for transfers too ... paperwork needs faxing to @vintagelaureateby midnight
  18. Have those tory MPS that questioned him come out publicly against him before ?
  19. to snort some coke after a tough day is more likely
  20. who is this knob talking about the rules ?
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